Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Monthly SC/ST Meeting On 28th May 06

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Rakesh Malli's Associate Held- Imported Revolver Seized

On the evening of 23/05/2006 the Anti Rowdy Squad headed by Mr. Vinay A Gaonkar Police Inspector arrested one Sathish Naik (40) and seized from him an unlicensed revolver of USA make with two rounds.

The Anti Rowdy Squad staff had been to Puttur yesterday (23/05/2006) evening in search of the absconding rowdy Rakesh Malli. While they went check Sathish Naik an active associate of Rakesh Malli at his office in Puttur town, he tried to slip away, but was over powered and detained. On examination he was found in possession of a U.S.A make revolver loaded with two live rounds, held without license. Accordingly, he was arrested and handed over to Puttur Town PS where in a case has been taken up against him under the Arms Act. Further investgation is on. The revolver is worth over Rs. 2.5 lacs. The accused has been produced before the jurisdictional court and has been released on bail.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Two Habitual Thieves Caught by DCIB; Property Worth Over Rs.5 lakhs Seized

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To download photo CLICK HERE

Police Seek Information On Rakesh Malli

On the night of 16/05/2006, there was an incident of kidnapping of a insurance verification agent (Mr.Yogananda) by the notorious underworld criminal Rakesh Malli and his seven associates owing to some personal dispute. The accused had come in a maroon Scorpio vehicle and kidnapped the victim from infront of the Infosys building in Urva Mangalore. Based on a frantic call given by a friend of the victim, police had swung into action and managed to intercept the said vehicle near the Infosys building. Though Rakesh malli and five of his associates had managed to give a slip, Police had succeeded in rescuing the victim and arrest two of the accused persons red hand (Santosh Gambhir and Randeep Kanchan) and seize a DBBL gun with 07 live cartridges from them.
In this connection, a case of kidnapping was taken up in Mangalore Urva PS against Rakesh Malli and the other 07 accused. In the subsequent operation launched, the Investigating Officer of the case Mr.M.N.Rao with the assistance of the Anti Rowdy Squad on 17/05/2006 had arrested one of the body guard of Rakesh Malli (Ajay Kumar Singh) who had participated in the offence.
Efforts to nab the main culprit Rakesh Malli had continued. In the meanwhile today (22/05/2006) the II JMFC Court Mangalore based on an application filed by the police has issued a Non Bailabel Warrant of Arrest against Rakesh Malli, who has been absconding so far and evading arrest by Police.
In this regard any person having any information about the whereabouts of this accused (who has a criminal history of over a decade and has been involved in more than 20 criminal cases) is requested to pass on the information to any of the below mentioned Officers. Needless to say that the name and address of such persons giving information will be kept confident.
B.Dayananda SPDK 0824 2220503 (O), 2220504 (R), 94481 30100 (Mob)
Vinay Gaonkar PI Anti Rowdy Squad 0824 2220516 (PS), 2220517(R), 9448130876 (Mob)
M.N.Rao PSI Urva PS 0824 2220521 (PS), 2443835 (R), 9448869051 (Mob)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Kidnapping Of Insurance Agent By Rakesh Malli And Asociates

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Death of Gas Plant Security Guard Not Accidental

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Busting Of Note Doubling Racket: Two Arrested

The Anti Rowdy Squad has busted a note doubling racket in the city and arrested two persons hailing from Shimoga .

Their names being:
  1. Thimmaraju @ Raju @ Ravi Kiran (35) R/o Shanthinagar Shimoga

  2. Hamsa Mohammed (40) R/o Basavanagudi Shimoga
On the afternoon of 14-05-2006 Mr.Vinay Gaonkar Police Inspector on receipt of credible information that a note doubling party hailing from Shimoga is staying in a lodge at KSR Road, rushed to the said lodge along with Anti Rowdy Squad Staff and found the above mentioned persons in a room. On examination of their belongings, police found a huge bundle of Rs 100 notes and another boundle of Rs 50 notes wrapped with transparent polythene sheets and rubber bands. On thorough examination it was found that only a few 100 and 50 Rupees notes were kept on the top and below the bundles and in between these genuine notes, plain paper sheets of the same size were kept to make it belive that it contains huge money. On interrogation of the suspects, they confessed that they are basically cheaters and cheat people in the pretext of supplying fake notes. They offer gullible people that they will give Rs 5 lakhs fake notes in exchange of Rs 1 lakh genuine notes. On that promise they take genuine notes and give these type of bundles wrapped neatly and escape from the scene.
They also told the police that they had come to Mangalore in the lookout for such deal and make a fast buck.
The two fake bundles containing 11 notes of Rs 100 denomination and 13 notes of Rs 50 have been seized.
In this connection a case of attempt to cheat has been registered in Mangalore North PS and investigation is on. The accused persons are being interrogated further to find out their involvement in similar frauds else where earlier.
To download photo click here

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mangalore South PS: One More Arrested in the Interstate Vehicle Theft Racket

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To download photo Click Here

Gambling Raid at Surathkal by DCIB

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Notorious Rowdy And Communal Goonda Shabari @Shabarinath Detained Under The Goonda Act

The District Magistrate DK District Mr.Parshwanath has passed an order to detain one Shabari @ Shabarinath under the Goonda Act (Karnataka Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Drug Offenders, Gamblers, Goondas, Immoral Traffic Offenders and Slum Grabbers Act 1985). The order is based on the report of SPDK Mr.B.Dayananda and has already been executed on the detenu on 10/05/06 by Mr.Vinay Gaonkar PI Anti Rowdy Squad and he has been sent to the Central Prison Bellary as per the direction of the District Magistrate.
Shabari @ Shabarinath 27 yrs R/o Sevanthi Gudde Pemannur vil Mangalore taluk happens to be a dangerous and desparate rowdy on whom a rowdy sheet is maintained in Ullal Police Station. He is involved in as many as 12 different criminal cases so far. Of these while one is a murder case, the other include serious offences such as attempt to murder, severe attack on police prisoner escort party, extortion, hurt and criminal intimidation.
He started his criminal activities in the year 1992 in a small way and then ran away to Mumbai. There he came in contact with the notorious underworld criminal Sadhu Shetty (killed in police encounter at Panvel in the year 2002) and started working for him as “Hired Goonda”. Later he came back to Mangalore but still maintained links with the Sadhu Shetty gang. Since then has been found active in Mangalore and surrounding areas by indulging in various anti social and unlawful activities like threat, extortion…etc. As he came into the police records, a rowdy sheet was opened on him in Ullal PS to monitor his activities. He was also booked under the preventive sections of law (sec 110 CrPC) twice and produced before the Taluk Executive Magistrate Mangalore before whom he gave a bond and undertaking for good behaviour. It was found that on both occasions, he jumped the bond conditions and indulged in violent activities immediately after executing the bond.
To cover his goonda activities, he also joined certain community-based organisations under whose garb he also attacked certain innocent people of the other community. One such case where in he along with others had attempted to kill a auto rickshaw driver later ended in conviction. In this case he was sentenced to under go Rigorous Imprisonment for 02 yrs and 07 months. Despite these legal actions, he was found to go back to the crime world time and again and indulge in violent activities.
In the year 2004, when Mysore Police was escorting a life convict by name Vamanjur Rohi from Mysore to Mangalore, Shabari and his associates had attacked the escort party with deadly weapons to free Rohi from lawful custody. Due to alertness of the police this attempt was thwarted but the policemen in the escort party had sustained serious injuries. Recently on 10/04/2006 he along with his associates had assaulted one Shivaprasad with sword near Hampanakatta and caused serious injuries.
Thus as the ordinary laws of the land had failed to contain his activities, he has now been detained under the Goonda Act. If confirmed by the State Govt and approved by the Advisory Board, he can be detained under the act as an ordinary prisoner in Bellary jail for a year.
The detailed report and documentation for detention was done by ASI Mr.Narayan Byndoor and staff of District Anti Rowdy Squad.
To download photo click here

Demarcation of Auto Rikshaw Permit Zones of Rural Areas

  1. PÉÆuÁeÉ ¥Éưøï oÁuÉAiÀÄ°è ¢£ÁAPÀ:15.05.2006 jAzÀ 18.05.2006 gÀªÀgÉUÉ,

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Jabbar Murder Case Ends In Conviction

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

DK District Police General Transfers Through Online Counselling

This years general transfer of the district police staff (Assistant Sub Inspectors, Civil Head Constables and Constables) has been effected through online counselling. A specially designed software programme has been made use of for this purpose to faclitate the staff in selecting a police station/unit of their liking. In all 112 police personnel of all ranks (05 ASIs, 24 CHCs, 83 CPCs) have been transferred through this process on 09/05/2006 and the entire procedure was conducted in the presence of all these police men at the Police Guest House Conference Hall Mangalore. All the police men were made to sit accoriding to their seniority and oppurtunity was given to them turn by turn as per seniority to select a police station of their choice from the list of eligible police stations that were displayed on the screen with the help of a multi media projector. The entire process took only 04 hrs to complete.
Prior to this a proforma was circulated to all the police men eligible for transfer this year as per Govt directive (those who have put in more that 07 yrs in a particular place as on 30/04/2006) seeking various service particluars like previous posting details, native place...etc. These details were later fed into the database of the software.
The programme has been designed in such a way that by using this database it will automatically generate the list of places a particular individual is eligible to go based on certain predetermined parameters. These being:
  • Police station/unit where he has worked for more than 07 yrs to be excluded
  • Circle where he has worked for more than 10 yrs to be excluded
  • Sub division where he has worked for more than 15 yrs to be excluded
  • Police station which includes the native place of the individual to be excluded

Barring such police stations, the software will throw open all other police stations where vacancies exist and the person is free to choose any of these places.

Thus the programme while on the one hand provides wide choice of police stations for the staff to select from; on the other streamlines the administration by ensuring that persons do not remain or stay at the same place or area for a long time. The programme also helps the department in maintaining transparency, impartiality and objectivity in effecting transfers. It also helps to eliminate extraneous influnces working in the transfer process of the department.

The programme that has been developed by Prosoft Computers Belgaum under the guidance of Mr.B.Dayananda SPDK has already been used in Belgaum and Chitradurga districts in earlier years. This is the fourth year the software is being used.

To view photos click here

(For technical reasons this blog could not be posted yesterday i.e. on 09/05/2006. Inconvenience caused is regretted)

Monday, May 08, 2006

Bajpe PS: Chain Snatchers Held, Gold Chain and Motor Cycle Recovered

The Bajpe Police have arrested three persons in connection with a case of road robbery reported from the PS limits on 06/05/2006. They have also recovered a gold chain worth Rs 20,000/ and a motor cycle that was used in the commission of the offence.
On 06/05/2006 at about 5 pm, two unknown persons came on a motor cycle (Bajaj Pulsar) and snatched away a gold chain (43 gm worth Rs 20,000/) from one Shervani of Mogaru village near Narala Bus stand (Mogaru vil Mangalore tal) in the pretext of asking for the address. In the hurry, the culprits dropped their mobile handset at the spot and drove away on their motor cycle. The lady contacted Bajpe PS along with the dropped mobile phone of the accused and lodged her complaint. The Bajpe Police swung into action and with the help of the mobile phone number succeeded in tracing the accused persons.
Accordingly, today i.e. on 08/05/2006 CPI Panambur Sri.Kodandarama the investigating officer of the case along with staff of Bajpe PS picked the two culprits near Yekkur while they were on their way to Mangalore on their Motor Cycle. On their pesonal search, the police also found Rs 17,200/ and a receipt in the name AKG Finance. On this information, the police went to the said finance company located at Bendoor well Karavali circle Mangalore and recovered the stolen gold chain chain that was pledged to the finance company by the culprits for Rs 18,600/ on the same day of the offence. The police also arrested the proprieter of the finance company for receiving this stolen property.
The names of the accused persons are:
1. Mitradas 23 yrs R/o Bajal vil Mangalore tal. He is working as finance agent and both the mobile phone and motor cycle belong to him.
2. Harish Kumar 21 yrs R/o Bajal vil Mangalore tal. He is the friend of Motradas and accompanied him and participated in the offence.
3. Alfons Rodrigues 60 yrs R/o vaslane Mangalore city. He is the owner of AKG Finance and receiver of the stolen property.
All the accused have been produced before the court and remanded for judicial custody.

Motor cycle Lifter Arrested by DCIB: Two Motor Cycles Recovered

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Kade Shivalya Triple Murder Case Ends In Conviction

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Belthangady Police Station : Vasantha Poojary Murder Case Ends In Conviction

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Robbers Held by Anti Rowdy Squad: Lower Bendoor Road Robbery Case Solved

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To download photo Clickhere

Monday, May 01, 2006

Parades sine qua non for Police

Parades – a system of physical conditioning introduced by the British to the Indians for the orderly conduct of camp life in the military - has been the most distinguishing feature of the police department in India. However in recent years, due to the multifarious duties of the Police department it is becoming more and more difficult to arrange parades regularly either at the Police Station or the district police hqrs. Even the interest shown by the officers and staff in taking and attending Parades and drill is slowly eroding over the years. As a consequence, whenever parades are ignored, there will be perceptible slackness in discipline, command and control and turnout of the staff. It is not an exaggeration to state that the Police Department can not exist without Drill and Discipline. Parades are inevitable to inculcate discipline, develop physique and above all to achieve espirit d' corps. Thus it is the bounden duty of every person wearing uniform to have pride in doing parades and other such drill activities.

Keeping this in mind, parades have been made mandatory for DK Police. Every week two parades have to be held compulsorily and without fail irrespective of the other nature of duties to be formed. Accordingly a Standing Order has been issued by SPDK delineating the following instructions:

1. Weekly Parades should be held on Mondays and Fridays without fail at all PSs and DAR. If for any reason parade is not held on the said day, it should be kept on the immediate next day. Thus it should be ensured that two Parades (of 1 hr duration each) are held in a week compulsorily.

2. Except those who are on Night Rounds the previous night, all other Officers and men -who are in the station –irrespective of the duty they are performing should attend the Parades without fail.

3. The jurisdictional SDPOs can hold a Monthly General Parade in their respective Sub -Divisional Hqrs, which should be attended to by the officers and men of all Police Stations of the Sub Division.

4. For the Weekly Parades being held at the Police Hqrs, Mangalore besides those who are already attending, the following staff should also attend compulsorily.

a) Officers and Staff of DCRB, DCIB, DSB and FPB.
b) Drivers of all Police Vehicle stationed at Mangalore.
c) Civil and DAR staff working in the offices of SP and Addl. SP.
d) Civil staff including WHCs/WPCs of Police Stations outside Hqrs, who are working in DPO on official duty

5. For the weekly Parades of Police Stations, besides the local Civil Staff, the MT drivers given to Station jeeps and staff of any DAR striking force stationed there should also attend.

6. Those who have medical problems or cannot attend parades regularly for any other reason should take prior permission from the SPDK for exemption from Parades.

7. The Parade Attendance Register should be maintained in all police stations in proper format and entries should be made regularly. In this register, against staff who are not attending Parades for being engaged in other duties, it should be mentioned clearly as to for what duty they have been deployed. The present practice of merely writing “DUTY” should be discontinued.

8. After every parade, opportunity should be given to the staff to redress any of their grievances. Accordingly, at the Police Hqrs, during the Friday parades, the staff attending can approach the SPDK with respect to any of their grievances.

9. In addition to general parades including ceremonial parades, foot drill, arms drill etc, PT parades should also be arranged on some days to avoid the monotony of doing the same thing week after week. Similarly special drills like mob operation drill, route march …etc. may also be arranged at frequent intervals.

10. On days when out door parades can not be held due to rain, lack of staff…etc available men can be made to assemble indoors and they may be briefed orally about drill, turnout, weapon training etc so as to refresh their knowledge in these areas.

These instructions have been issued to achieve the overall purpose of holding parades in the department i.e. to bring in smartness, inculcate loyalty to the department and ensure highest order of discipline in the force. Since last six months as per the instructions, parades are being conducted regularly at the police hqrs as well as at all the police stations of the district.
In addition, proper wearing of uniform is also stressed. Instructions have been issued to all Police officers and staff of the district to be in proper and prescribed uniform while on duty. The unifrom should be neatly washed and pressed. In addition, the wearing of name plate by staff has been made compulsory.
It is being ensured that these instructions are adhered to scrupulously by all concerned through close supervision and proper briefing.

Alert: Docity Case Of Mangalroe Rural PS

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