Friday, December 16, 2011
do you need some beautiful gift for your family?
Christmas is coming
i think you will need this
just come here to choose your love things
good luck to you
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Chain Snatching Detected by DCIB: Two Held

ದಿನಾಂಕ 08/12/2009 ರಂದು ಮದ್ಯಾಹ್ನ 1200 ಗಂಟೆ ಸುಮಾರಿಗೆ ಮಂಗಳೂರು ಜಪ್ಪು ಸೆಮಿನರಿ ವಾಸಿ ಶ್ರೀಮತಿ ಸುಮೆಯ್ಯರವರ 2 ವರ್ಷ ಮಗಳ ಕುತ್ತಿಗೆಯಲ್ಲಿದ್ದ 1 ಪವನ್ನ ಚಿನ್ನದ ಸರವನ್ನು ಹಾಡುಹಗಲೇ ಕುಡಿಯಲು ನೀರು ಕೇಳುವ ನೆಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಪೌಂಡ್ ಒಳಗೆ ಬಂದ ಇಬ್ಬರು ಮಹಿಳೆಯರು ಶ್ರೀಮತಿ ಸುಮೆಯ್ಯವರಲ್ಲಿ ಕುಡಿಯಲು ನೀರು ಕೇಳಿದಾಗ ಅವರು ನೀರು ತರಲೆಂದು ತಿರುಗಿದ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಗುವಿನ ಕುತ್ತಿಗೆಯಲ್ಲಿದ್ದ 7.300 ಗ್ರಾಂ ತೂಕದ ಚಿನ್ನದ ಸರವನ್ನು ಎಳೆದು ಪರಾರಿಯಾಗಿದ್ದು ಇದರ ಬೆಲೆ ಸುಮಾರು 12,000/- ರೂಪಾಯಿ ಆಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ಈ ಕುರಿತು ಮಂಗಳೂರು ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಠಾಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಕರಣ ದಾಖಲಾಗಿತ್ತು.
ಇತ್ತೀಚೆೆಗೆ ಇಂತಹ ಪ್ರಕರಣಗಳು ಮಂಗಳೂರು ನಗರದಲ್ಲಿ ಆಗಾಗ ಪುನರಾವರ್ತನೆ ಯಾಗುತ್ತಿದ್ದು, ಆರೋಪಿಗಳು ಮಹಿಳೆಯರಾಗಿದ್ದರಿಂದ ಹಾಗೂ ಈಗೀಗ ಪರವೂರಿನಿಂದ ಮಂಗಳೂರಿಗೆ ಬಂದು ಹಲವು ನೆಪಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಮಂಗಳೂರು ನಗರದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಲೆಮಾರಿಗಳಾಗಿ ಜೀವಿಸುವವರ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯೂ ಸಹ ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿದ್ದರಿಂದ ಪ್ರಕರಣವನ್ನು ಬೇಧಿಸುವುದು ಅಷ್ಟು ಸುಲಭದ ವಿಚಾರವಾಗಿರಲಿಲ್ಲ.
ಆದರೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಕಲೆಹಾಕಿದ ಡಿಸಿಐಬಿ ಪೊಲೀಸರು ಆರೋಪಿಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಕಲೆ ಹಾಕಿ ಪ್ರಕರಣ ನಡೆದು ಕೇವಲ 8 ಗಂಟೆಗಳ ಒಳಗಡೆ ಪ್ರಕರಣ ಬೇಧಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿದ್ದು, ರಾತ್ರಿ ರೈಲ್ವೆ ನಿಲ್ದಾಣದ ಸಮೀಪ ಇರುವ ಸ್ಟೇಜ್ನ ಪಕ್ಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಆರೋಪಿಗಳನ್ನು ವಶಕ್ಕೆ ಪಡೆದು ಅವರಿಂದ ಚಿನ್ನದ ಸರವನ್ನು ವಶಪಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವಲ್ಲಿ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿರುತ್ತಾರೆ.
ಈ ಮಹಿಳೆಯರು ಇಂತಹುದೇ ಹಲವಾರು ಕೃತ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಈ ಹಿಂದೆಯೂ ಮಾಡಿರುವ ಸಾಧ್ಯತೆ ಇರುವುದರಿಂದ ಈ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ತನಿಖೆ ಮುಂದುವರಿಯುತ್ತಿದ್ದು, ಆರೋಪಿಗಳನ್ನು ಪಾಂಡೇಶ್ವರ ಠಾಣೆಗೆ ಹಸ್ತಾಂತರಿಸಲಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕರು ಇಂತಹ ಮಹಿಳೆಯರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಿಗಾ ಇರಿಸುವಂತೆ ಡಿಸಿಐಬಿ ಇನ್ಸ್ಪೆಕ್ಟರ್ ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕರಲ್ಲಿ ವಿನಂತಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ.
ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಕನ್ನಡ ಜಿಲ್ಲಾ ಪೊಲೀಸ್ ಅಧೀಕ್ಷಕರಾದ ಶ್ರೀ. ಸುಬ್ರಮಣ್ಯೇಶ್ವರ ರಾವ್ರವರ ಆದೇಶ ಹಾಗೂ ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಪೊಲೀಸ್ ಅಧೀಕ್ಷಕರಾದ ಶ್ರೀ.ಆರ್.ರಮೇಶ್ರವರ ಮಾರ್ಗದರ್ಶನದಲ್ಲಿ ಡಿ.ಸಿ.ಐ.ಬಿ ಇನ್ಸ್ಪೆಕ್ಟರ್ ಶ್ರೀ. ಹೆಚ್.ಎನ್.ವೆಂಕಟೇಶ್ ಪ್ರಸನ್ನ ಮತ್ತು ಎಎಸ್ಐ ನಾರಾಯಣ ಮಣಿಂಾಣಿ, ಹಾಗೂ ಸಿಬ್ಬಂದಿಯವರಾದ ಸಿಬ್ಬಂದಿಯವರಾದ ಶಶಿಧರ ಶೆಟ್ಟಿ, ಸಂತೋಷ್ ಪಡೀಲ್, ಗಣೇಶ್ ಕಲ್ಲಡ್ಕ, ಧಮರ್ೇಂದ್ರ, ಕುಮಾರ, ಚೇತನ್ ಬೊಟ್ಯಾಡಿ, ಪ್ರಶಾಂತ್, ಗಣೇಶ್ ಮಾನ್ಯ, ಚಂದ್ರ ಅಡೂರು ಮತ್ತು ಮಹಿಳಾ ಸಿಬ್ಬಂದಿ ಪ್ರಮೀಳಾ, ಚಾಲಕರಾದ ಶಾಂತಶೆಟ್ಟಿ ಹಾಗೂ ದೇವಯ್ಯ ರವರುಗಳು ಮೇಲಿನ ಕಾಯರ್ಾಚರಣೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗವಹಿಸಿರುತ್ತಾರೆ.
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Daily Crime Incidents for December 09, 2009.
The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 09/12/2009.
Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: 03
- A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore Rural Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 09/12/2009 at 1000 hrs near bus stand at Pumpwell Mangalore one Alias D’ Souza (65) R/o Adamkudru Permannur village Mangalore Taluk was her way from Pumpwell to Kankanady by walk. At that time accused Kaveri (28) R/o Kerala State and Laxmi (25) R/o Kerala State snatched the gold chain from her neck and ran away. Further the accused was caught red hand by the public and handed over to the Police. The total value of stolen property is Rs.25, 000/.
- A case of Robbery has been registered in Barke Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 08/12/2009 at 1915 hrs near Gundurao Lane at Mannagudde Mannagudde Mangalore one Sudha Pai w/o Prakash Pai R/o Mannagudde Mangalore was her way from home by walk. At that time two unknown persons snatched the gold chain from her neck and ran away. The value of the property is Rs. 75,000/.
- A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 08/12/2009 at 1745 hrs near ESI Hospital at Lower Bendoor 3rd cross Mangalore one Lucy Rodrigo’s (62) W/o John Rodrigo’s R/o Kankanady Mangalore was her way from home by walk. At that time one unkown person snatched the gold chain from her neck and ran away. The value of the property is Rs. 25,000/.
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: 01
- A case of MV Theft has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. In between 2000 hrs and 2030 hrs of 06/12/2009 some unknown culprits committed theft of a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-09-EA-2771 belonging to one Suresha (45) R/o Kapikad Bejai Mangalore that was parked in the premises of Ansari Compound at Yathim Khana Mangalore. The motorcycle is worth Rs. 20,000/.
Crime against Women: 01
- A case under Cruelty by husband and his relatives, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Ullal Police Station on the complaint of one Ayeesha W/o Iqbal R/o K.C. road Someshwara village Mangalore Taluk. In the complaint it is alleged that accused Iqbal (husband) and his relatives Bifathima, gave physical and mental harassment to Ayeesha to bring more dowry and they also gave life threat to her.
Road Traffic Accidents: 04
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: 04
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic West Police Station. On 08/12/2009 at 1330 hrs near State Bank at Mangalore one unknown bus driver drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Vijaya (32) R/o Pavoor village Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries. Further the bus driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 08/12/2009 at 1130 hrs at Nithyananda Nagara Belma village Mangalore Taluk one Ramesha driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-5979 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-MA-6305. As a result car driver one Seetharama (58) R/o Kotekaru village Mangalore Taluk sustained simple injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 08/12/2009 at 0930 hrs at Oddida Kala Bajpe village Mangalore Taluk one Basavaraj driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-C-3589 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. TN-09-AB-4424. As a result motorcycle rider Madeshan and Rama Sube pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 08/12/2009 at 1945 hrs in front of KEB office at Chembugudde Permannur village Mangalore Taluk one Yekanatha driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-AC-5189 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-3805. As a result motorcycle rider Imran (21) R/o Bantwal Taluk and Heron Rasheed pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: 02
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 08/12/2009 at 1320 hrs one unknown male dead body aged about 30 to 40 yrs was found in Gurupura River at Dakke Mangalore. The death seems to be due to drowning.
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 08/12/2009 at 0600 hrs one Gokula R/o Yelike Narimogaru village Puttur Taluk committed suicide by consuming some poisons in his house owing to personal problem.
Missing Persons: 02
- A case of Boy missing has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 0900 hrs one Abdul Riyaz (16) R/o Jattipalla Sullia Town went to Sullia Junior college at Sullia Town and did not return to his house there after. He has been found missing since.
- A case of Boy missing has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 0900 hrs one Mohammed Sinan (16) R/o Jattipalla Sullia Town went to Sullia Junior college at Sullia Town and did not return to his house there after. He has been found missing since.
Preventive Actions: Nil
Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:
Cases Booked: 230
Fine amounts collected: 21,300/.
For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Daily Crime Incidents for December 08, 2009.
The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 08/12/2009.
Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: 01
- A case under Cruelty by Husband has been registered in Kadaba Police Station on the complaint of one Mallika (32) R/o Subramanya R/o Sunkadakatte Ithoor village Puttur Taluk. In the complaint it is alleged that accused Subramanya (husband) gave physical and mental harassment to one Mallika (32) to bring more dowry.
Road Traffic Accidents: 02
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: 02
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic West Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 1605 hrs near Intercity Hotel at Statebank Mangalore one unknown driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-03-MD-7171 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Nasir (31) R/o Bengre Mangalore a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries. Further the car driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic West Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 1830 hrs near Kuntikana junction at Mangalore one Roopesh (27) R/o Thandolige Mangalore passenger of the bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-6471 while getting down from the bus, the driver of bus moved the bus in a negligent manner due which he fell down from the bus and sustained grievous injuries.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: 01
- A case under Rioting, Criminal trespass, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. In between 2000 hrs of 05/12/2009 and 1530 hrs of 07/12/2009 accused Vikram, Vinodh and other 5 to 6 persons forming into an unlawful assembly near Sri Kateel Travels Agency at Kunil complex Mangalore and criminally trespassed into the office belonging to one Pushparaj Shetty (30) R/o Someshwara village Mangalore Taluk and abused him and Srikanth in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and with wooden stick and also gave life threat to them owing to trivial issue.
Hurts: 02
- A case under Criminal restraint along with Hurt has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 2000 hrs accused Kadri Haneef and Kari Ashraf criminally restrained one Nowfal at Bengare Panambur Mangalore and assaulted him with sharp weapon owing to previous enmity between them.
- A case under House trespass, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 1600 hrs accused Mohammed Sharif, Moosa, Rafeek and Ummar Saheb criminally trespassed into the house belonging to one Abdhul Hameed (32) R/o Karnoor Mudnoor village Puttur Taluk and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him with wooden stick and with stone and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: 02
- A case under Wild Life Protection Act 1972 has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 1330 hrs PSI Urwa PS and his staff on credible information apprehended Nisar Imamsab (25) and Veeresh Hiremata (27) near Prashanth Wine shop at KSRTC bus stand Mangalore and seized a Leopard skin, Hides of Deer and three Deer Horns all in worth Rs. 5,00,000/ which they are carrying illegally.
- A case under Karnataka Excise Act has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 1315 hrs on credible information PSI Ullal PS along with staff intercepted a bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-2057 near bus stand at Thokkuttu Permannur village Mangalore Taluk and seized 100 bottles of liquor which was being transported illegally by arresting passenger of the said bus one Hari @ Haridhara (27) R/o Kerala State.
Unnatural Death Report: 02
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. In between 1700 hrs of 06/12/2009 and 0600 hrs of 07/12/2009 one Chandran (48) committed suicide by hanging at Nettana Bilinele village Puttur Taluk owing to health problem.
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 1600 hrs one Sri Shaila (22) R/o Balegadde Kemminje village Puttur Taluk committed suicide by hanging in her house owing to personal problem.
Missing Persons: 01
- A case of Woman missing has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 0900 hrs one Poornima (26) R/o Pedamale Amyady village Bantwal Taluk went to Bantwal Town for medical treatment and did not return her house there after. She has been found missing since then.
Preventive Actions: Nil
Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:
Cases Booked: 190
Fine amounts collected: 23,200/.
For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Raids on Cock Fighting: Three Persons Arrested, Rs. 2,270/ seized
In this connection, a case has been registered against the arrested persons in Subramanya PS U/S 87 of the Karnataka Police Act.
Daily Crime Incidents for December 07, 2009.
The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 07/12/2009.
Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: 02
- A case of Burglary has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. In between 1900 hrs of 05/12/2009 and 0600 hrs of 06/12/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Zinath R/o Bedrody Quarters Bajatthoor village Puttur Taluk by breaking the back door lock and committed theft of cash Rs. 5,000/ and a DVD Player all in worth Rs. 8,5,00/.
- A case of Burglary has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. In between 1800 hrs of 06/12/2009 and 0700 hrs of 07/12/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the Sri Kordabbu Daivasthan at Nalade Meramajalu village Bantwal Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed theft of gold ornaments, silver ornaments and Pooja articles all in worth Rs. 23,000/.
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: 01
- A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 1620 hrs accused one Gopala Krishna abused one Susheela R/o Beary Kanda Hoige Bail Mangalore in filthy and assaulted her brother with sickle and also gave life threat to her owing to civil dispute between them.
Road Traffic Accidents: 07
Fatal: 02
- A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 2145 hrs at Maindaguri cross Kana village Mangalore Taluk one driver of Gas Tanker bearing Reg. No. KA-21-A-7484 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-6420. As a result motorcycle rider Aboobakkar Siddiq and Hamza pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained serious injuries and admitted to the A.J. hospital Mangalore where in one Aboobakkar Siddiq succumbed to his injuries while under treatment on same day.
- A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 1145 hrs at Pelatthody Kodimbala village Puttur Taluk one Kamalaksha driver of Pickup vehicle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-9916 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Krishnappa Gowda R/o Kodimbala village Puttur Taluk a pedestrian and caused him serious injuries. Further he succumbed to his injuries while on the way to hospital.
Non-Fatal: 05
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic West Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 1930 hrs near Hundai Show room at Chilimbi Mangalore one Chandrashekara driver of bus car bearing Reg. No. KA-20-A-9876 drove his vehicle in a rash negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-AE-4111. As a result motorcycle rider one Rahul Sheony (19) R/o Urwastore Mangalore sustained simple injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 0730 hrs on Gorigudde road at Velencia Mangalore one driver of Omni car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Z-5770 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent and lost control over his vehicle due which Omni car capsized. As a result Omni car driver Valerian and Gopalakrishna R/o Atthavara Mangalore who was traveling in the said Omni car sustained simple injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 06/11/2009 at 1715 hrs on NH-17 at Panambur Beach cross road Mangalore one Deepa Mahantha R/o Katipalla village Mangalore Taluk passenger of the bus bearing Reg. No. KA-20-A-3101 while getting down from the bus, the driver of bus moved the bus in a negligent manner due which he fell down from the bus and sustained grievous injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 07/12/2009 at 0715 hrs near Ashwathpura cross at Kallamundkoor village Mangalore Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-7191 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Leela (50) a pedestrian and caused her grievous injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 1130 hrs at Periyashanthi Kowkardy village Puttur Taluk one driver of vehicle bearing Reg. No. KA-51-777 drove his vehicle rash and negligent manner and collided against a motoracycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-2181. As a result motorcycle rider Niranjan H R/o yedamangala village Sullia Taluk and Prasad pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained simple injuries.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: 03
- A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 2200 hrs accused one Naveena Gatty criminally restrained one Hanumantha G. Kamath near Traffic West Police Station at Mangalore and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him owing to previous enmity between them.
- A case under Criminal trespass, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 1630 hrs accused Santhosh and others criminally trespassed into the premises of house belonging to one Gopala Krishna R/o Hoige Bail Mangalore and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.
- A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 06/12/2009 at 1800 hrs accused one Govinda Gowda abused one Koragappa Gowda (40) R/o Baramelu Koiyur village Belthangady Taluk in filthy language and assaulted him with sickle owing to civil dispute between them.
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: 02
- A case of Girl missing has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1000 hrs one Ramya (21) R/o Pottolike Naringana village Bantwal Taluk went to work at Mudipu and did not return her house there after. She has been found missing since then.
- A case of Boy missing has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 05/12/2009 at 0900 hrs one Abdul Rahiman @ Riyaz (20) R/o Bedagudde Karopady village Bantwal Taluk went to computer class at Mangalore and did not return his house there after. He has been found missing since then.
Preventive Actions: Nil
Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:
Cases Booked: 136
Fine amounts collected: 16,800/.
For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Daily Crime Incidents for December 06, 2009.
Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: 02
- A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 22/11/2009 at 2230 hrs on footpath at Town hall Mangalore one Gopalakrishna Panikkar R/o Kerala State was on his way form Town hall to Railway station by walk. At that time 3 to 4 unknown persons snatched the silver chain from his neck and a Nokia mobile phone from his pocket and ran away. The value of the property is Rs. 30,000/.
- A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 05/12/2009 at 1800 hrs near Ladygoshan hospital at Mangalore one Prathima w/o Dhiraj Hegde R/o Bendoorwell Mangalore was her way from home to Sharavu Temple by walk. At that time one unknown person snatched the gold chain from her neck and ran away. The value of the property is Rs. 14,000/.
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: 02
- A case of MV Theft has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. In between 2200 hrs of 17/10/2009 and 0900 hrs of 18/10/2009 some unknown culprits committed theft of a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-03-EB-9206 belonging to one Arnold Fernandez R/o Kalpane Kulashekara Mangalore that was parked in the premises of his house. The motorcycle is worth Rs. 10,000/.
- A case of MV Theft has been registered in Panambur Police Station. In between 03/12/2009 and 0600 hrs of 04/12/2009 some unknown culprits committed theft of a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. AP-22-W-5375 belonging to one Krishnayya V (48) R/o Andra Pradesha State that parked on road at Koorikatte Meenakalia Panambur Mangalore. The lorry is worth Rs. 12, 00,000/.
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: 01
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: 01
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 05/12/2009 at 2230 hrs at Salmara junction Chikkamudnoor village Puttur Taluk one Venkappa Gowda driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-18-M-2276 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-E-5439. As a result scooter rider Narayana Gowda and Harish Acharya (43) R/o Krishna Nagara Chikkamudnoor village Puttur Taluk sustained simple injuries.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: 01
- A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 2330 hrs accused Akshath, drier of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-4620 and driver of Maruthi Omni car bearing Reg. No. KA-21-9408 abused one Somashekara (40) R/o Ujire village Belthangady Taluk in filthy language near his house and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: 02
- A case under the Prevention of Immoral Traffic Act has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 05/12/2009 at 1710 hrs on credible information PI Mangalore South PS along with his staff conducted raid on building at Subhash Nagara Pandeshwara Mangalore and arrested Geetha Nayak, Rukhiya, Naganna, Sulochana, Babitha and Usha who were soliciting for prostitution there.
- A case under the Prevention of Immoral Traffic Act has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 05/12/2009 at 1600 hrs on credible information PI Mangalore East PS along with his staff conducted raid on building at Kotekani 3rd cross road Mangalore and arrested Nirmala @ Maya (34), Chithra @ Shilpa, Vedavathi @ Veda (34), Kumudavathi (48) and Bhojaraj (37) who were soliciting for prostitution there.
Unnatural Death Report: 02
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 0400 hrs one Bongara Poojary (59) R/o Dombarapalke Neriya village Belthangady Taluk committed suicide by consuming some poison in his house owing to health problem.
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 05/11/2009 at 2230 hrs one Chandrayya Bhandary (32) R/o Car street Charmady village Belthangady Taluk was fell down near Bridge at Kalbettu Charmady village Belthangady Taluk due to heavy drunkenness. Further he was admitted to Wenlock hospital at Mangalore where he was declared dead while under treatment on the 06/12/2009 at 0400 hrs.
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil
Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:
Cases Booked: 164
Fine amounts collected: 26,600/.
For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Endangered Tortoise Seized by DK Police Specila Squad

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To download photo clickhereDaily Crime Incidents for December 05, 2009.
The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 05/12/2009.
Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: 02
- A case of Burglary has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. In between 1500 hrs of 29/11/2009 and 1000 hrs of 04/12/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into house belonging to one Poovappa Bangera (48) R/o Bolpugudde Kavoor Mangalore by breaking the window grills and committed theft of gold ornaments of worth Rs. 15,000/.
- A case of Burglary has been registered in Ullal Police Station. In between 0915 hrs and 1430 hrs of 28/11/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into house belonging to one Rama Devi (47) R/o Kotekar village Mangalore Taluk by removing roof tiles and committed theft of gold ornaments of worth Rs. 38,000/.
Ordinary Theft: 01
- A case of Ordinary Theft has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1330 hrs some unknown culprits committed theft of gold ornaments and cash Rs. 29,414 from the bag belonging to one Roopa (25) R/o Ajilamogeru post Bantwal Taluk while she was working at Sajeevini complex BC Road.
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: 05
Fatal: 01
- A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1145 hrs near Mangalore club Mangalore one driver of Lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-6689 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-04-7156. As a result Sharvan motorcycle rider sustained serious injuries and died on the spot. Sachin Salian (23) R/o Mulihithlu pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
Non-Fatal: 04
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic West Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1445 hrs near Mohini vilasa Hampankatta Mangalore one unknown driver of Omni car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-N-7267 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. CTX-1403. As a result Suresh Kumar R/o Car Street Mangalore rider of said motorcycle sustained simple injuries. Further the omni car driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1830 hrs on NH 17 at Adamkudru Jeppinamogaru Mangalore one driver of Tempo bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-9448 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which the vehicle capsized. As a result Balakrishna D. N driver of said tempo and Vishwanth who was traveling in the said tempo sustained simple injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 03/12/2009 at 1545 hrs near RTO office at Boluvaru Puttur Town one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-H-8056 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Asiyamma R/o Kemmayi Puttur Taluk a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries. Further the motorcycle rider escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1420 hrs on SH 88 at Vodabayi Sullia Town one driver of car bearing Reg. No. KL-14-H-8706 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against an Auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-A-308. As a result Shiva Kumar (25) R/o Duggaladka Sullia Town driver of said auto rickshaw driver and 03 other passenger who were traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: 01
- A case under Hurt, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 02/12/2009 at Rotary club Attavar Mangalore accused one Deepak D Souza abused one Anil olwyn D Souza (39) R/o Attavar New road Mangalore in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.
Others: 01
- A case under section 292 IPC has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1800 hrs PI Puttur Town PS along with staff on credible information conducted a raid on My mobile shop at Puttur Town and seized a Computer and absence Memory cards by arresting Ali (40), Nasir (40) and Haneef (35).
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: 02
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. On 04/12/2009 at 1430 hrs one unknown male dead body aged about 55 yrs was found near Bhushan Bar Hampankatta Mangalore. The death seems to be some illness.
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil
Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:
Cases Booked: 263
Fine amounts collected: 42,400/.
For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.
Wooden logs seized by Vittal Police
On 04/12/2009 at 1600 hrs PSI Vittal PS along with his staff on credible information intercepted a Tempo bearing Reg. No. KL-05-D-4908 at Kabbina hithlu Kepu village Bantwal Taluk and seized 14 wooden logs that were being transported illegally by arresting one Mohammed Haneef (26) driver of said Tempo. The Twmpo has also been seized. The total value of property seized is worth Rs. 1,45,000/.
In this connection, a case has been registered in Vittal Police Station under the Karnataka Forest Act.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Daily Crime Incidents for December 04, 2009.
The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 04/12/2009.
Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: 01
- A case of Burglary has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. In between 2115 hrs of 02/12/2009 and 0915 hrs of 03/12/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the “ Z “ Electronics shop belonging to one P.M Hassainar (27) R/o Panemangalore village Bantwal Taluk by shutter lock and committed a theft of 08 mobile phones and 35 watches all in worth Rs. 23,800/.
Ordinary Theft: 01
- A case of Ordinary theft, Hurt, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with criminal intimidation has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 03/12/2009 at 1400 hrs accused one Shekar Shetty (63) R/o Badaga Mijaru village Mangalore Taluk committed theft of 4,000 areca nuts belonging to one B. Seetharama (86) R/o Badaga Mijaru village Mangalore Taluk and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him owing to civil dispute.
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: 02
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: 02
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 02/12/2009 at 1945 hrs on NH 17 at 2nd Kolya Someshwara village Mangalore Taluk one Harish R/o Subhash Nagar Munnur village Mangalore Taluk rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-7526 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Prajwal Kumar (20) R/o K.C Road Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.
- A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. On 01/12/2009 at 1330 hrs near Thumbe Bantwal Taluk one driver of Indica car bearing Reg. No. KA-03-C-495 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against Hyundai Tuxan car bearing Reg. No. KL-14-E-7855. As a result both the vehicle got damaged. No causalities reported.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: 01
- A case under Rioting, Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 03/12/2009 at 1945 hrs accused Chowder, Ummer, Naseer, Naufal, Ashraf, Ibbu and Zainabi all residents of Mithabagilu village Belthangady Taluk forming into unlawful assembly at Perdadi Mithabagilu village Belthangady Taluk and abused one Abdul Hakeem (24) R/o Perdadi Mithabagilu village Belthangady Taluk in filthy language and assaulted him with wooden stick and also gave life threat to him owing to civil dispute.
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: 02
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Barke Police Station. On 03/12/2009 one Balaraj (38) R/o Boloor Mangalore attempt to commit suicide by consuming poison at Urwa Market Mangalore owing to personal problem and he was admitted to Wenlock hospital at Mangalore where he was declared dead while under treatment. The death seems to be due to consumption of poison.
- A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 30/11/2009 at 1630 hrs one Kaulath (16) R/o Patrakodi Kedila village Bantwal Taluk sustained serious burn injuries while she was trying to light stove in her house and there after she succumbed her injuries on 03/12/2009 hrs.
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil
Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:
Cases Booked: 212
Fine amounts collected: 27,500/.
For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.