On 23-04-2006 on credible information PSI[L&O] & staff of Barke PS raided 05 Video shops located at Saiben complex Mangalore and seized 3500 pirated VCDs/DVDs/MP3s of Hindi, Kannada, English and Telugu films. Of these 19 VCDS contained pornographic material as well. The police made seizure of all these items and arresed the following accused:
1 Razak [25] Mangalore City
1 Razak [25] Mangalore City
2 Abdul Hakem Mangalore City
3 Althaf [35] Marakada Mangalore taluk
4 Shameer [27] Mangalore City
4 Shameer [27] Mangalore City
5 Sharook [21] Surathkal Mangalore taluk
Total worth of materials seized is approximately Rs 6,65,000/. In this connection five cases have been taken in Mangalore Barke PS under the Copyrights Act 1957 and the Indian Penal Code.
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