Friday, November 30, 2007

Robbery Case Detected

Stolen Property Recoverd

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To download Photo click here

Daily Crime Incidents for November 30, 2007.

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 30/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil

Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: 02

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 29/11/2007 at 1000 hrs Arjunakodi Muchuru village Mangalore Taluk one unknown Tipper lorry driver drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-R-7331. As a result one Ragupathi Upadya (47) R/o Vekasanagara Badagulipady village Mangalore Taluk sustained serious injuries. Further he admitted to Tejaswni hospital Mangalore were he succumbed to his injuries on the same at 1545 hrs. The Tipper lorry driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 30/11/2007 at 0820 hrs on Bantwal-Kadoor road at Belthangady Town one Madhusudan driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-6336 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Mohammed Siraj (16) R/o Piligodu Kaniyuru village Belthangady Taluk a pedestrian and caused him serious injuries and died on the spot.

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 29/11/2007 at 1345 hrs on NH-17 at Barebail Kuntikana Mangalore one Stany driver of Tanker lorry bearing Reg. No. TN-69-C-0772 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-W-7001. As a result motorcycle rider Yashodhara Naik (19) R/o Yeyyadi Mangalore and Suhan pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 2100 hrs at Mundaje Belthangady Taluk one Devasya P.J. rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-9205 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Babu Nalke (43) R/o Somanthadka Belthangady Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries. Further motorcycle rider lost control over his vehicle due which motorcycle capsized. As a result motorcycle rider one Devasya P.J. sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1730 hrs Narthila Alankaru village Puttur Taluk one Suresha driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-6341 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Leelavathi (42) R/o Alankaru village Puttur Taluk and caused her simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Hurt along with Mischief of causing damage has been registered in Subramanya Police Station. On 29/11/2007 at 0800 hrs accused Thimappa Gowda, Rajivi, Prasantha, Prasad and Chandra forming into an unlawful assembly at Mullaje Paramale Yenekallu village Sullia Taluk and assaulted Kushalappa Gowda (75) R/o Mullaje Paramale Yenekallu village Sullia Taluk and his daughter-in-law with wooden stick and also damage hi farm. The motive seems to be civil dispute between Kusalappa Gowda and accused persons.

Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. In between 19/11/2007 and 29/11/2007 one Thimappa Shetty (38) R/o Marikodi Kodamoola village Mangalore Taluk committed suicide by hanging near his house owing to financial problem.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 263
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 17,400/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 29, 2007.

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 29/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. In between 27/11/2007 at 2300 hrs and 28/11/2007 at 0800 hrs some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Venkataramana S. Bhat R/o Mishongudde Boluvaru village Puttur Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed theft of Copper and Aluminum vessels all in worth Rs. 10,000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 01

  • A case of MV Theft has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. In between 27/11/2007 at 1730 hrs and 28/11/2007 at 0930 hrs some unknown culprits committed theft of a Mahindra Bolero jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Z-115 belonging to one Raja Kumar (39) R/o Padvinangady Konchady Mangalore that was parked near Alvaris Center at Nanthoor Mangalore. The Bolero jeep is worth Rs. 3,25000/.

Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 05

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 05

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 0030 hrs on NH-17 near Kuloor junction at Bangra Kuloor Mangalore one Nagesha driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-30-A-3437 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-S-9098. As a result motorcycle rider one Abdul Latheef @ Saddam (41) R/o Panjimogaru Mangalore sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. On 25/11/2007 at 1930 hrs at Nettana Bilinele village Puttur Taluk one Venkataramana rider of unknown motorcycle drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Seethamma (55) R/o Bilinele village Puttur Taluk a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries. The motorcycle rider escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 1030 hrs on NH 48 at Maani village Bantwal Taluk one Reji rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-7194 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Pashwanatha (35) R/o Kannadykatte village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 1245 hrs on NH-48 at Valthaje Echilampady village Puttur Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-4238 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a KSRTC bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-F-2158 driven by one Chennappa (53) R/o Puttur Taluk. As a result motorcycle rider and pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Uppinangady Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 0545 hrs on NH-48 at Golitthottu village Puttur Taluk one driver of Mahindra pick up vehicle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-6273 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-19-M-7853. As a result Ahamed Bava who was traveling in the said jeep sustained simple injuries. The Pickup vehicle driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 04

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Hurt, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 2130 hrs accused Vahab and Kabir both residents of Bengre Mangalore criminally restrained one Mohammed Haneef (34) R/o Bengre Mangalore at Dhakke Mangalore and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him with iron rod and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Criminal restraint along with Hurt has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 0630 hrs accused Abbas, Haneef and Santhosh criminally restrained Rijith (20) and his mother Leela R/o Panjigaru Balila village Sullia Taluk near their house and assaulted them with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 1900 hrs accused Leela, Murali, Rijith and Girish abused one Santhosh Kumar (18) R/o Panjigarau Balila village Sullia Taluk in filthy language near his house and assaulted him with wooden stick and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Subramanya Police Station. On 29/11/2007 at 0800 hrs accused Padhmanabha Gowda, Kushalappa Gowda, Kusumavathi and Hemavathi abused one Thimmappa Gowda K. (63) R/o Mallaje Anekallu village Sullia Taluk in filthy language near his house and assaulted him with wooden stick and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.

Others: 02

  • A case under section 292 (1) (2) (A) IPC (pertaining to sale of absence books) has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 1600 hrs PSI Mangalore South Police Station along with staff on credible information conducted a raid on Stall No.76 near Service bus stand at Mangalore and seized absence Books by arresting Sahul Hameed (30) R/o Valacchil Mangalore.
  • A case under section 292 (1) (2) (A) IPC (pertaining to sale of absence books) has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 1715 hrs PSI Mangalore South Police Station along with staff on credible information conducted a raid on Stall No. 82 near Service bus stand at Mangalore and seized absence Books by arresting Dinesh (29) R/o Kottara Chowki Mangalore.

Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Subramanya Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 1230 hrs one Krishnappa (27) R/o Malengri Kuthkanja village Sullia Taluk attempted to commit suicide by consuming poison in his house owing health problem. Further he died while on the way to hospital.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 317
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 16,400/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wooden logs seized by Vittal Police

On 26/11/2007 at 2200 hrs PSI Vittal PS along with his staff on credible information intercepted a Swaraj Mazda lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-335 at Maani junction Bantwal Taluk and seized 34 wooden logs that were being transported illegally by arresting Ummer Farooq (23) R/o Neharu Nagar Puttur Taluk and Aboobakkar (37) R/o Elanthila village Bantwal Taluk. The Swaraj Mazda lorry has also been seized.
The total value of property seized is worth Rs. 1,70,000/. In this connection, a case has been registered in Vittal PS under the Karnataka Forest Act.

Daily Crime Incidents for November 28, 2007.

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 28/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Vittal Police Station. In between 24/11/2007 at 1000 hrs and 26/11/2007 at 1330 hrs some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Abdulnasir (31) R/o Nedyala Mudnuru village Bantwal Taluk by breaking the front door lock and committed theft of gold ornaments and cash Rs. 800 all in worth Rs. 18,800/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 08

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 08

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1900 hrs on NH-17 at Daddalakad Mangalore one driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-9091 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-L-1300. As a result scooter rider one Suraia Parvin (42) R/o Krishnapura Surathkal Mangalore sustained simple injuries
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 0930 hrs in front of Colaco hospital at Mangalore one unknown rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-V-2933 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Abdul Musliyar (70) R/o Sunkadakatte Puttur Taluk a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries. The motorcycle rider escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Surathkal Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1630 hrs at Mangalapete Bala village Mangalore Taluk one Ummar driver of Tipper lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-8792 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a car bearing Reg. No. KA-03-N-8968. As a result Naveena driver of car, Hariprasad Rai and Lakshmi Narayana who were traveling in the said car sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 25/11/2007 at 1300 hrs at Bajpe junction Mangalore one Lokesha driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-9252 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Jemsheer (08) R/o Koncharu Bajpe Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1330 hrs at Golithady Ramakunja village Puttur Taluk one Monappa rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Q-7835 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against another motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-2050. As a result Veeresh rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-2050 and Viroon Prasad (18) R/o Peraje village Puttur Taluk pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Kadaba Police Station. On 26/11/2007 at 1230 hrs at Kunthurupadav Kunthuru village Puttur Taluk one Bejo rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KL-55-9215 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against an auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-8605. As a result Krishna driver auto rickshaw and Shobhavathi (34) R/o Ichilanpady village Puttur Taluk who was traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1525 hrs on NH-48 at Thumbe village Bantwal Taluk one Aboobakkar driver of car bearing Reg. No. CRX-9356 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed to the to the pedestrians Babanna Rai R/o Aryapu village Puttur Taluk, Yogisha and Mukhesha Sharma and caused them simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Vittal Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1730 hrs at Battakoodi Maani village Bantwal Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-V-3909 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-19-G-23. As a result Vasantha Shetty (57) driver of a jeep, Savithra Theja PSI Bantwal Rural Police Station and his staff who were traveling in the said jeep sustained simple injuries and motorcycle rider also sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 03

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 0900 hrs accused one Mohammed Shafi stopped the bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-105 near Rosa Misthika School at Thenkulipady village Mangalore Taluk and dragged the Cleaner of said bus one Damodhara (20) R/o Kooriyala village Mangalore Taluk and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him by hand owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Venoor Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1200 hrs accused one Vishwanatha Poojary criminally restrained one Sanjeeva Poojary R/o Pilathabettu village Belthangady Taluk at Neralekatte Moodupadukodi village Belthangady Taluk and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and with stone owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Grievous Hurt has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. On 28/11/2007 at 0730 hrs at B.C. road junction Bantwal Town accused 4 unknown persons came in two motorcycles and assaulted one Shekara (28) R/o B.C. Road Bantwal Taluk with iron weapon.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 27/11/2007 at 1130 hrs one Sheshappa Gowda (75) R/o Kukkandooru Khandige Jalsoor village Sullia Taluk committed suicide by hanging in his house owing to health problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 27/11/2007 in between 0900 hrs and 1600 hrs one Chandrahasa Poojary (40) R/o Ganadamajalu Navoor village Bantwal Taluk committed suicide by hanging in his house owing to personal problem.

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Boy missing has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. One Parashurama Poojary (18) R/o Mattadagudde Muloor village Mangalore Taluk who left his house on 26/11/2007 at 1000 hrs and did not return his house there after. He has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 425
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 25,100/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 27, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 27/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 02
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 26/11/2007 in between 0930 hrs and 1700 hrs some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Dr. Shodhan (50) R/o Mulihithlu Bolara Mangalore by breaking the window grill and committed theft diamond and gold ornaments all in worth Rs. 4,30,000/.
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Ullal Police Sation. On the intervening night of 25-26/11/2007 some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Johara (38) W/o Mohammed R/o Kondana Kotekaru village Mangalore Taluk by breaking the window grill and committed theft gold ornaments and cash all in worth Rs. 24,000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 01

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. On 09/11/2007 at 1300 hrs accused one Yogisha Sapalya abused one Pramila (23) W/o Vasantha R/o Poithaje Narikombu village Bantwal Taluk in filthy language near her house and assaulted her by hand owing to civil dispute.

Road Traffic Accidents: 03

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 22/11/2007 at 1400 hrs at Hardy Puttur Town one Hammed driver of Ambassador car bearing Reg. No. MEC- 4822 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Mahammed P.K. Panakaje (53) R/o Sajipamunnur village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 26/11/2007 at 0815 hrs at Beetige Charmady village Belthangady Taluk one Mohammed Iqbal driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-18-A-1370 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Sushila (28) R/o Charmady village Belthangady Taluk a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 26/11/2007 at 1400 hrs at Kashibettu Layila village Belthangady Taluk one Mohammed Saleem driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-7016 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which auto rickshaw capsized. As a result one Leela (60) who was traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 04

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1445 hrs accused one unknown driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-MD-1575 stopped a lorry driven by one Abdul Hameed (60) R/o Permannur Ullal Mangalore Taluk at Jappina Mogeru cross Mangalore and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him. The motive seems to be that the lorry driver dashed his vehicle to a car near Mangaladevi Mangalore.
  • A case under Hurt has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 25/11/2007 at 2000 hrs at Ankathadka Palthady village Puttur Taluk accused one Maani (47) R/o Chennavara Palthady village Puttur Taluk assaulted one Chaniya (29) R/o Ankathadka Palthady village Puttur Taluk with cool drink bottle owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Hurt has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 25/11/2007 at 2000 hrs at Ankathadka Palthady village Puttur Taluk accused Chaniya and Kusalappa assaulted one Maani (47) R/o Chennavara Palthady village Puttur Taluk with cool drink bottle owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 26/11/2007 at 1030 hrs at Thadagaje Bellare village Sulllia Taluk accused Hassainer B.H., Ibrahim Khaleel both residents of Thadagaje Bellare village Sullia Taluk abused one Mahammed Asir R/o Thadagaje Bellare village Sulllia Taluk in filthy language and assaulted him with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 26/11/2007 in between 0630 hrs and 2215 hrs one Rathnavathi (62) R/o Kanyadi Dharmasthala village Belthangady Taluk committed suicide by hanging in her house owing to personal problem.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 636
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 32,600/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Monday, November 26, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 26, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 26/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Ni
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: Nil

Fatal: 01
  • A case under Fatal road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 25/11/2007 at 1500 hrs on Punjalkatte – Kakkepadav road at Pilathabettu village Bantwal Taluk one Prashantha driver of Maruti car bearing Reg. No. KA-02-P-3284 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Madhava (49) R/o Kukkala village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian and caused him serious injuries. Further he succumbed to his injuries while on the way to hospital.

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1030 hrs at New Chithra junction Mangalore one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-J-5799 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against another motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-S-4641. As a result one Nathasha (19) R/o Kudroli Mangalore rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-S-4641 sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1030 hrs in front of Omega hospital at Bendoorwell Mangalore one Kamalaksha rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-2759 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Jagadhisha R/o Jalligudde Bajal Mangalore a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil

Others: 01

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 2130 hrs accused Seetharama Shetty, Chandaramohana Shetty, Sudhakara Poojary and Shankara Gowda criminally restrained one Shekara Shetty (60) R/o Bangabettu Badagamijaru village Mangalore Taluk near his house and abused him in filthy language and also gave life threat to him owing to civil dispute.

Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 04

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Mangalore Rural Police Station. On 25/11/2007 in between 1400 hrs and 1700 hrs one Naveena (46) R/o Preethinagara Padav village Mangalore committed suicide by hanging near his house owing to personal problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 25/11/2007 at 0315 hrs one Thimappa Poojary (52) accidentally fell down while working at Nerlakatte Nettalmundoor village Puttur Taluk and died. The death seems to be due some illness.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. In between 24/11/2007 at 1600 hrs and 25/11/2007 at 1630 hrs one Podiya (40) R/o Madyangala Ariyadka village Puttur Taluk committed suicide by hanging near his house owing to health problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 25/11/2007 at 1100 hrs one Thulasirama (20) R/o Gandhinagara Mysore district accidently slipped into the Nethravathi river at Dharmastala village Belthangady Taluk while taking bath and died due drowning.

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Woman missing has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. One Fhathimath Jamila (37) W/o Usman R/o Kallugundi Sullia Taluk has been found missing with her child Nishad (01) from her house since 23/11/2007 at 1630 hrs.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 319
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 20,600/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 25, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 25/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil

Robbery: 01
  • A case of Robbery has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 23/11/2007 at 1300 hrs one Umavathi (27) R/o Kayarpadavu Paduvannur village Puttur Taluk hired a jeep from Ishwaramangala to Nellithadka. The Jeep driver deviated his Jeep towards Pernaje. Near Noojibathila Nettanige Mundoor village Puttur Taluk he stopped his jeep and robbed her gold ornaments (64 gms) and cash Rs. 800/. After the incident he escaped on the same jeep. The total value of property taken away is estimated to be Rs. 52,000/.

Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 03

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Barke Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1600 hrs at Gandhinagara Mangalore one driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-20-M-3132 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against an auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-2349. As a result auto rickshaw driver Suresh Kumar (49) R/o Kodakkal Shivanagar Mangalore and Sujatha who was traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1130 hrs at Kana Idya village Mangalore one driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-N-9210 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Marcin Menezes (62) R/o Mendaguri Kulai village Mangalore a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Vittal Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1330 hrs on NH 48 at Mani Bantwal Taluk one driver of Tipper bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-6728 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Shaveena (21) R/o Kalmakar village Sullia Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 06/10/2007 at 1730 hrs accused Khalil, Ibrahim, Gujuri Aziz, Salim, Pant Abbas, Samshuddin, Sharif and Shaukath came in car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-N-8842 and a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-V-8457 and forming into an unlawful assembly with deadly and criminally restrained one Mohammad Asif (31) R/o Mukacheri Ullal village Mangalore Taluk near his house and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him with wooden stick and they also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.

Hurts: 02

  • A case under Hurt has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1740 hrs at Yatheemkhana Ansari road Mangalore accused two unknown persons assaulted one Lakshmana Shetty (40) R/o Alake Mangalore with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Intentional insult with intent provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1930 hrs accused Monappa, Ananda and Vishwanatha abused one Sathisha (24) R/o Keremoole Chicckamudnur village Puttur Taluk in filthy language near his house and assaulted him with wooden stick owing to trivial issue .

Others: 02

  • A case under Mischief causing damage has been registered in Ullal Police Station on the complaint of one Mariyappa L. (57) Chief Officer, Ullal Town Panchayath. In the complaint it is alleged that on 22/11/2007 at 1400 hrs accused Ummar Faroque, Sidiyabba U.M, Ashraf B. and Jalaluddin destroyed pipeline at Chembugudde Permannur village Mangalore Taluk belonging to Ullal Town Panchayath. The damage is caused about Rs. 1,00,000/.
  • A case of Affray has been registered in Mangalore Rural Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 2345 hrs accused Suranjith Sorake (31) R/o Shivabagh Mangalore and Nagaraj (39) R/o Jappinamogru Mangalore picked up quarrel and started fighting over trivial issue in a public place at Jappinamogru Mangalore. The Police arrested the accused and took up a case under affray (sec 160) IPC.

Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 23/11/2007 in between 1600 hrs and 2200 hrs one Mohan (40) R/o Dhodderi Ajjavara village Sullia Taluk accidently slipped into the Payaswini river while walking near his house and died due to drowning.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 24/11/2007 at 1330 hrs near Dharmasthala Temple Belthangady Taluk one unknown male person aged about 45-50 hrs fell down due to some illness. Further he was admitted to the Govt hospital at Belthangady where he was declared dead while under treatment on the same day.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 426
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 23,300/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Gambling Raid: Five Arrested, Rs 16,195 / seized

On 25/11/2007 at 0030 hrs on the credible information of PSI Bantwal Rural PS along with staff conducted raid on a open place at Siddakkatte Sangabettu village Bantwal Taluk. At the time of raid Police found 5 persons playing “Ander - Bahar” with cards. The Police seized cash Rs. 16,195/ and playing cards from the spot by arresting Mohan Shetty (29), Udaya Shetty (30), Padmanabha Poojary (35), Ramesh Gowda (23) and Ravi Poojary (30) who were indulging in gambling.

The total value of siezed property is Rs. 16,195/. In this connection, a case has been registered against the arrested persons in Bantwal Rural PS U/s 87 of the Karnataka Police Act.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cheating Racket Busted: Two Arrested By DCIB

Cheating US dollars

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.

¢£ÁAPÀ: 24/11/2007 gÀAzÀÄ ªÀÄzÁåºÀß 1200 UÀAmÉUÉ zÉÆgÉvÀ RavÀÀ ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£ÀzÀAvÉ r.¹.L.©. ¥ÉưøÀÄ ¤jÃPÀëPÀgÁzÀ J.r. £ÁUÀgÁeï ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¹§âA¢AiÀĪÀgÀÄ ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ £ÀUÀgÀzÀ §AzÀgÀÄ «ÄµÀ£ï ¹ÖçÃmï gÀ¸ÉÛAiÀÄ°ègÀĪÀ jÃUÀ¯ï ¥Áå¯ÉÃ¸ï ¯ÁqïÓ£À PÉÆoÀr £ÀA§æ 303 gÀ°è ¸ÁªÀðd¤PÀjUÉ ªÀAa¹, ªÉÆøÀ ªÀiÁr ºÀtUÀ½¸ÀĪÀ GzÉÝñÀ¢AzÀ CªÉÄÃjPÀ£ï qÁ®gÀ£ÀÄß PÉ«ÄPÀ¯ï ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÉÃ¥Àgï §¼À¹ 3 ¥ÀlÄÖ eÁ¹Û ªÀiÁrPÉÆqÀĪÀÅzÁV ¸ÁªÀðd¤PÀgÀ°è ªÀåªÀºÁgÀ £ÀqɸÀĪÀgÉà ¥ÀæAiÀÄw߸ÀÄwÛzÀÝ AiÀiÁªÀÅzÉà ¥Á¸ï¥sÉÆÃmïð ªÀÄvÀÄÛ «¸Á E®èzÉà ¨sÁgÀvÀ zÉñÀzÀ°è vÀAVzÀÝ ªÉ¸ïÖ D¦üæPÁ WÁ£ÁzÀ ¤ªÁ¹UÀ¼ÁzÀ
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To download photo click here

Daily Crime Incidents for November 24, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 24/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 02

Fatal: 01
  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 23/11/2007 at 2200 hrs near Wagon yard at Panambur Railway station Mangalore one unknown driver of JCB bearing Reg. No. KA-19-P-5816 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Chaudappa (30) a pedestrian and caused him serious injuries and died on the spot. The driver of JCB escaped from the place leaving his vehicle.

Non-Fatal: 01

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 22/11/2007 at 1330 hrs at Idipadpu Sajipanadu village Bantwal Taluk one unknown driver of Goods Tempo bearing Reg. No. KA-19-133 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Khathijamma (17) R/o Mitthapadpu Sajipanadu village Bantwal Taluk and caused her simple injuries. TheTempo driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Criminal trespass, Intentional insult with intent provoke breach of the peace along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 23/11/2007 at 1000 hrs accused Alousuis D’ Souza, Marry D’Souza, Sanjeeva Poojary, Babu Poojary and Soorappa Nalke forming into an unlawful assembly and criminally trespassed into the land at Kakkebettu Karinje village Mangalore Taluk belonging to one Immanuel @ Manuel Periera (54) and abused him in filthy language and also gave life threat to him. The motive seems to be civil dispute between them.

Hurts: Nil

Others: 01

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 23/11/2007 at 0900 hrs accused Austin Stany Futrado and his wife Hemalatha Hilda Futrado criminally restrained one Brehan Pinto (18) R/o Kapikadu Bejai Mangalore near his house and abused him in filthy language and also gave life threat to him. The motive seems to be civil dispute between them.

Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Girl missing has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. One Vaishali D.S. Mani (21) R/o Babugudde Mangalore who went to K.S. Hegde Medical Acadamy at Deralakatte Mangalore on 23/11/2007 at 0800 hrs and did not return to her house there after. She has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 495
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 26,800/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Friday, November 23, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 23, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 23/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 04

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 22/11/2007 at 1600 hrs near St. Agnes School at Bendoorwell Mangalore one Manoj driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-4778 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a Maruti Omni car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-P-4642 driven by Fayimuddin (26) R/o Kudroli Mangalore from behind. As a result car got damaged. No casualties reported.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 21/11/2007 at 1800 hrs on NH 17 at VT road Kotekaru village Mangalore Taluk one Asif rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-W-1053 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Umesh Ucchil a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries. Further motorcycle rider lost his control due which the motorcycle capsized. As a result motorcycle rider Asif and pillion rider of said motorcycle Azaruddin sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 22/11/2007 at 1200 hrs at Ambika road Someshwara village Mangalore one Abdul Khyam rider of Hero Honda motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-5459 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Soumini (52) R/o Kolya Sowmeshwara village Mangalore Taluk and caused her simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 22/11/2007 at 1220 hrs on Ukkunda – Vitta road at Vittal Town Bantwal Taluk one Abubakkar driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-AC-7786 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Janardhana Prabhu (20) R/o Punacha village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: 01

  • A case under Karnataka Excise Act has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 22/11/2007 at 0815 hrs on credible information ASI Ullal PS along with staff conducted a raid on open place at Ullalhogige Jappinamogaru village Mangalore Taluk and seized illegal liquor (6.5 lits) and cash Rs. 110/ by arresting Thomas Vegas (60) and Lowrence Vegas (31) both residents of Jappinamogaru village Mangalore Taluk who were selling these liquor illegally there.

Unnatural Death Report: Nil

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Man missing has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. One Suresha (32) went to Dharmasthala Belthangady Taluk on 15/11/2007 at 1400 hrs and did not return to his house there after. He has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 555
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 28,900/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Monthly SC/ST Meeting On 25th November 07

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.

zÀ.PÀ. f¯Áè ¥ÉưøÀÄ C¢üÃPÀëPÀgÀ CzsÀåPÀëvÉAiÀÄ°è ¢£ÁAPÀ: 25/11/2007 ¨sÁ£ÀĪÁgÀzÀAzÀÄ ¥ÀƪÁðºÀß 1100 UÀAmÉUÉ f¯Áè ¥Éưøï PÀZÉÃjAiÀÄ DªÀgÀtzÀ°ègÀĪÀ ¥Éưøï Cwy UÀȺÀ ¸À¨sÁAUÀtzÀ°è ªÀiÁ¹PÀ zÀ°vÀ ¸À¨sÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß £ÀqɸÀ¯ÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 22, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 22/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Subramanya Police Station. On the interveining night of 20-21/11/2007 some unknown culprits gained entry into the room at Motnamajalu Yenmur village Sullia Taluk belonging to one Ummar Farouqe @ Badava Kunhi by breaking the Shetter lock and committed theft of arecanut (450 Kgs). The stolen property is worth Rs 20,000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women:

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 16/11/2007 at 1000 hrs accused Koran O.C. and Thomas O.C. both residents of Thippemajalu Kokkada village Belthangady Taluk abused one Marry Vargis R/o Thippemajalu Kokkada village Belthangady Taluk in filthy language and assaulted her by hand owing to family dispute.

Road Traffic Accidents: 06

Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 22/11/2007 at 0200 hrs at Ladyhill circle Mangalore one Shanil Samad rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KL-11-Z-6204 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-9819 from behind which was parked at road side. As a result Hiren Haridas (20) pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained serious injuries and died on the spot. Further motorcycle rider Shalin Samad also sustained grievous injuries.

Non-Fatal: 05

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 20/11/2007 at 2030 hrs at Kalpane Mangalore one Raghavendra Kamath driver of Mahindra Pickup bearing Reg. No. KA-191-C-609 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-3529. As a result Girish rider of motorcycle and Vittala R/o Vamanjoor Mangalore pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 21/11/2007 at 2045 hrs near Umamaheshwari Temple at Attavara Mangalore one driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-20-2727 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Ramachandra (28) R/o Attavara Mangalore a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 21/11/2007 at 1330 hrs on NH 17 at Kottara Mangalore one unknown driver of Tanker bearing Reg. No. KA-21-6416 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-J-5254. As a result one Parashurama R/o Kulur Mangalore rider of said scooter sustained simple injuries. The Tanker driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 21/11/2007 at 1845 hrs near Marigudi at Belthangady Town one Ganesh Achary rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-E-5915 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Vishwanatha (14) R/o Belthangady town a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries. Further the motorcycle rider lost his control over his vehicle due which motorcycle capsized. As a result Ganesh Achary rider of said motorcycle also sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. On 20/11/2007 at 1800 hrs at Golitthadi Ramakunja village Puttur Taluk one Mahantesh driver of KSRTC bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-F-2082 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Thimmappa Gowda (43) R/o Okkemane Koila village Puttur Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 02

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 20/11/2007 at 2030 hrs accused Avil and Ajith abused one John Mendonsa @ Anil R/o Kulshekara Mangalore in filthy language and assaulted him with wooden stick. The motive seems to be a financial dispute between John Mendonsa and accused persons.
  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. On 21/11/2007 at 2030 hrs at Kalladka Golthamajalu village Bantwal Taluk accused Shekara, Pushpa, Karna and Raju abused Ashok Naik (20) R/o Veerakambha village Bantwal Taluk in filthy language and assaulted him by hand owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 21/11/2007 at 1400 hrs one Shivarama (52) R/o Shanthinagar Kavoor village Mangalore Taluk committed suicide by jumping into Palguni river at Kulur Mangalore owing to personal problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 21/11/2007 at 0330 hrs one Bablu Hussain Laskar (20) R/o Assam State accidentally fell down due to some illness while working in Plantek Group factory at Baikampady Industrial Area Mangalore. He was admitted to the Wenlock hospital Mangalore where he declared dead while under treatment on the same day.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 460
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 14,300/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 21, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 21/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 02

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Venoor Police Station. On 20/11/2007 at 0745 hrs at Paddandadka Hosangady village Belthangady Taluk one Mohan driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-01-C-815 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-S-3571. As a result Maxim Rajesh D’Silva (33) R/o Mantradi village Mangalore Taluk rider of motorcycle and Rajesh Fernandez pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 19/11/2007 at 2115 hrs at Nagarakatte Moodabidre Mangalore Taluk one Ramesh Poojary rider of Yamaha Crux motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-20-R-1437 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a Scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-21-E-7908. As a result Rajesh Kotian pillion rider of said scooter sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 03

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Barke Police Station. On 20/11/2007 at 0730 accused Udaya and other 02 persons criminally restrained one Kiran (21) R/o Bajal Mangalore near Tribhuvan motors at Ballalbagh Mangalore and abused him in filthy language and also assaulted him by hand owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 20/11/2007 at 1130 hrs at Takode Karinje village Mangalore Taluk accused Munna @ Immanuel and Herik abused Babu Poojary (42) R/o Karinje village Mangalore Taluk and assaulted him with wooden stick. They also assaulted Soorappa Nalke who came to help Babu Poojary with wooden stick and also gave life threat to them owing trivial issue.
  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. On 20/11/2007 at 0800 hrs accused Kusappa @ Kushalappa Gowda, Muralidhara and Purushothama criminally restrained one Mohan Poojary (45) R/o Kaniyur village Puttur Taluk at Navoor Kaniyoor village Puttur Taluk and abused him in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and with wooden stick and also gave life threat to him owing to civil dispute.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Man missing has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. One Abdul Jalil (22) R/o Chikkamudnur village Puttur Taluk who was left his house on 14/10/2007 and did not return his house there after. He has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 414
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 22,300/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Gambling Raid: Thirty One Arrested, Rs 12,535 / seized

On 20/11/2007 at 1900 hrs on the credible information of ASP Panambur Sub Division and PSI (Crime) Surathkal PS along with staff conducted raid on Sharadha Recreation Club near Sharadha hotel at Idya village Surathkal Mangalore. At the time of raid Police found 31 persons playing “Ander -Bahar” with cards. The Police seized cash Rs. 12,535/, 14 mobile phones, 02 tables, 10 fibre chairs and playing cards from the spot by arresting Udaya Kumar (45), Nagaraj S. (34), Hamza (48), Ashok (32), Muralidhara (46), Karthik (58), Raghunatha (27), Bhaskara (60), Ummar (52), Lokesh (35), Shekara Poojary (44), Suresh (40), Naveen Poojary (43), Ramappa (48), Yadhava Suvarna (43), Moosa S. (54), Ramesh (31), Narayana (38), Manjunatha (45), Haji @ Hajiyabba (38), Prakash (28), Narayana (59), Herald Veigas (50), Roy D’Souza ( 43), Suresh Bhat (45), Sunil (37), Shafi @ Mohammad Shafi (52), Vasunadara (40), Shilpa Achary (45), Umarabba (49) and Naveen (32) who were indulging in gambling. However other two persons managed to escape from the scene.

The total value of siezed property is Rs. 12,535/. In this connection, a case has been registered against the arrested persons in Surathkal PS U/s 79, 80 of the Karnataka Police Act.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 20, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 20/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. In between 18/11/2007 at 1900 hrs and 19/11/2007 at 0630 hrs some unknown culprits gained entry into the Adhimaheshwari Vaidyantha Temple at Jeppu Mahakalipadpu Mangalore by breaking the front door lock and committed theft of 03 Panchaloha idols and cash Rs. 1,000/. The stolen property is worth Rs 23,000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 01

  • A case under Rioting, House trespass, outraging the modesty of women, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 19/11/2007 at 2100 hrs accused Harisha, Gangadhara, Shekara and other 8 persons forming into an unlawful assembly and criminally trespassed into the house belonging to one Jalajakshi W/o Padmanabha Poojary R/o Kepalakodi Veerakamba village Bantwal Taluk and abused her in filthy language and outraged the modesty of her by pulling her hand and assaulted her and her husband by hand and also gave life threat to them owing to civil dispute.

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 19/11/2007 at 1310 hrs on Kurumbur-Baikampady road at Baikampady Mangalore one Janardhana driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-4001 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle and dashed against a tree. As a result one Janardhana driver of said lorry sustained serious injuries. Further he succumbed to his injuries while on the way to hospital.

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 19/11/2007 at 1815 hrs near Athena hospital at Mangalore one Surendra driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-20-6192 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Udaya Kumar (40) R/o Derebail Mangalore a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 04/11/2007 at 1600 hrs on Ukkuda-Kanyana road at Vittal Town Bantwal Taluk one Ismail driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-18-4323 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Asif (21) R/o Alike village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Belthangady Police Station. On 19/11/2007 at 1900 hrs at Maddhadka Kuvvettu village Belthangady Taluk one Raju M.M. driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-13-7916 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against an auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-9757. As a result auto rickshaw driver Abdul Rahiman and Francis Karnalio (36) R/o Padangady village Belthangady Taluk who was traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 03

  • A case under House trespass, Hurt, Criminal intimidation along with SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 19/11/2007 at 1800 hrs accused Gunapala Shetty, Annu and Prakash crimianlly trespassed into the house belonging to one Jaya (23) R/o Mastikatte Moodabidre Mangalore Taluk and abused him in filthy language referring to his caste and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him. The motive seems to be civil dispute between Jaya and accused persons.
  • A case under Hurt has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 18/11/2007 at 1400 hrs near Sibaje church at Sibaje village Puttur Taluk acused Vargees I.M., Saramma, Vincy and Vinu assaulted one Shaine Kumar (23) R/o Paikara Sibhaje village Puttur Taluk with stone owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Criminal restriant, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 18/11/2007 at 1345 hrs accused Vargees C.O., Shain Kumar, Yellamma, Mathayee and Leelamma criminally restrained one Vargees I.M. R/o Paikara Shibaje village Puttur Taluk near Sibaje church at Sibaje village Puttur Taluk and abused him in filthy languge and assaulted him with stone owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 03

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. In between 18/11/2007 at 1930 hrs and 19/11/2007 at 0700 hrs one Shivappa Gowda (50) R/o Kalanja village Sullia Taluk committed suicide by hanging near his house owing to personal problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death report has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 19/11/2007 at 0930 hrs one Madhava (35) R/o Kakkebettu Nellur Kemraje village Sullia Taluk committed suicide by hanging near his house owing to health problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Subramanya Police Station. On 19/11/2007 in between 0900 hrs and 1030 hrs one Annappa Naika (45) R/o Kakkana Kutkunja village Sullia Taluk attempted to commit suicide by consuming some poison near his house owing to personal problem. Further he died while on the way to hospital.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 530
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 29,200/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Gambling Raid: Fourteen Arrested, Rs 27,105 / seized

On 19/11/2007 at 2015 hrs on the credible information of ASP, Panambur Sub Division and PSI (Crime) Mangalore Rural PS along with staff conducted raid on Sharadha Recreation Club at Sourab Center Pumpwell Mangalore. At the time of raid Police found 14 persons playing “Ander - Bahar” with cards. The Police seized cash Rs. 27,105/ and playing cards from the spot by arresting Brayan, Cyril Pais, Sathisha, Ramesh Baira S., Joseph, Nagesh, Suresh, Haneef, Ramesh, Bhaskara, Seetharama, Ramesh, Vishwanatha Poojary and Ramesh Shetty who were indulging in gambling.

The total value of siezed property is Rs. 27,105/. In this connection, a case has been registered against the arrested persons in Mangalore Rural PS U/s 79, 80 of the Karnataka Police Act

Monday, November 19, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 19, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 19/11/2007.

Murder: 01
  • A case under Murder has beeen registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 18/11/2007 at 1730 hrs one Santhosh R/o Mangaje Kaiyangala village Bantwal Taluk picked up quarrel with his wife Ashwitha (20) and assaulted her with scissor near his house due which she got serious injuries and died while on the way to hospital.
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. In between 18/11/2007 at 0030 hrs to 0500 hrs some unknown culprits gained entry into the room No. 319 at Hindhustan Lodge at K.S. Rao road Mangalore belonging to one Poornima P. R/o Jayanagar Bangalore by removing the window glass and committed theft of gold, sliver and platinum ornaments and cash Rs. 1,500/. The value of stolen property is yet to estimated.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 06

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 18/11/2007 at 0600 hrs at Kottara cross Mangalore one Bhaskara Shetty driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-4160 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which auto rickshaw capsized. As a result one Devayya (26) R/o Kuntikana Mangalore who was traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 17/11/2007 at 2355 hrs near Mallikatte circle at Mangalore one Ashwath driver of Ambassador car bearing Reg. No. KA-09-B-4013 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-09-B-4013. As a result Praveen Kumar (24) R/o Bikarnakatte Mangalore rider of motorcycle and Ganesh pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Ullal Police Station. On 17/11/2007 at 2030 hrs on NH 17 at Kumpala Bypass Mangalore Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-K-7375 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Nemu Poojary (52) R/o Sajipa Bantwal Town a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 08/11/2007 at 0730 hrs on NH 17 at Panambur Mangalore one driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-AB-4545 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-V-838 from behind. As a result Mathew P.M (55) R/o Kulai village Mangalore Taluk rider of scooter and his wife Mini Mathew pillion rider of said scooter sustained simple injuries. The bus driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 05/11/2007 at 1100 hrs on Gramachavady-Konaje road at Mangalore one Prasantha driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-19-M-6270 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-K-3147. As a result motorcycle rider one Umesha (25) R/o Pajeeru village Bantwal Taluk sustained grievous injuries. The jeep driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 18/11/2007 at 1415 hrs at Kudupinadka Madnoor village Puttur Taluk one Jagga @ Jaganatha driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-7376 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which the auto rickshaw capsized. As a result one Raghunath (21) R/o Kolthige village Puttur Taluk who was traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: 01

  • A case under Karnataka Excise Act has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 18/11/2007 at 1715 hrs on credible information PSI Belthangady PS along with staff conducted a raid at Matadagudde Vodinala village village Belthangady Taluk and seized 8 liquor bottles (each 750 ML) and 45 liquor bottles (each 180 ML) by arresting one Sundara (30) R/o Padangady village Belthangady Taluk who was selling these liquor bottles illegally there. The total value of seized property is Rs. 2,270/ .

Unnatural Death Report: 05

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Barke Police Station. On 16/11/2007 at 1800 hrs one Shekara R/o Haleneranki village Puttur Taluk fell down due to some illness while working at Lalbagh Mangalore. Further he was admitted to the hospital where he was declared dead while under treatment on 18/11/2007..
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 18/11/2007 one unidentified male dead body has been found in highly decomposed stage at Shanthinagar Nidle village Belthangady Taluk. It seems to be a case of suicide by hanging.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 17/11/2007 at 1430 hrs one Mohana (28) while working in Karnataka Bank at Surathkal Mangalore accidentally touched the electric wire due he got electrocuted and died.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 18/11/2007 in between 0630 hrs and 0715 hrs one Hanumantha (55) fell down due to some illness near bustand at Kulur Mangalore. Further he was admitted to the hospital where he was declared dead while under treatment on the same day.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Sullia Police Station. In between 15/10/2007 at 0830 hrs and 17/11/2007 one Muttappa G0wda (65) R/o Aranthodu village Sullia Taluk was found dead at Sunnadaguli at Aranthodu village Sullia Taluk. It seems to be a case of suicide.

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Girl missing has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. One Soumya B.K. (17) R/o Mitthabagilu village Belhtangady Taluk who went to college at Belthangady on 15/11/2007 at 0800 hrs and did not return to her house there after. She has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 583
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 34,000/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 18, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 18/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 02
  • A case of MV theft has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 31/10/2007 in between 1630 hrs and 1640 hrs some unknown culprits committed theft of a Bajaj Victor motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-1560 belonging to one Sathish Poojary (28) R/o Surathkal Mangalore, which was parked near Mayya Electronics shop at Surthakal Idya village Mangalore Taluk. The motorcycle is worth Rs. 20,000/.
  • A case of MV theft has been registered in Mangalore Rural Police Station. On the intervening night of 08-09/11/2007 some unknown culprits committed theft of a Bajaj Pulsar Motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-20-L-4764 belonging to one Abdul Salam (27) R/o Vamanjoor Theruvail village Mangalore, which was parked in front of his house. The motorcycle is worth Rs. 20,000/.

Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: Nil
Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: 01

  • A case under the Prevention of Immoral Traffic Act has been registered in Woman Police Station. On 17/11/2007 at 1120 hrs WPSI Women PS on rounds arrested one Geetha (45) R/o Uppala Kasaragod District Kerala State who was soliciting for prostitution at public place near Service bus stand at Mangalore.

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered Sullia Police Station where in the dead body of one Ibrahim (26) R/o Pallikere Sullia Taluk has been found in Payasvini river at Adkaru Jalsur village Sullia Taluk. The said Ibrahim had accidentally slipped into the Payasvini river while taking bath on 15/11/2007 and a missing case was already registered in Sullia Police Station.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. In between 17/11/2007 at 1100 hrs and 18/11/2007 at 0900 hrs one Saraswathi (60) R/o Kattatharu Nidpali village Puttur Taluk accidentally slipped into the pond near her house and died of drowning.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 583
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 34,000/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 17, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 17/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 06

Fatal: 01
  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Konaje Police Station where in one Abbusali (40) R/o Pajiru village Bantwal Taluk was declared dead while under treatment on 17/11/2007 at 1045 hrs. The said Abbusali was seriously injured by motorcycle in a road traffic accident on 15/11/2007 at 0930 hrs on Konaje-Thokkutu road at Deralakatte Mangalore and admitted to Omega hospital at Mangalore. In this connection a case has already been registered in Konaje Police Station.

Non-Fatal: 05

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Urwa Station. On 15/11/2007 at 1700 hrs one Jacob D’Souza driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-1213 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a Maruti Alto car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-ME-55 from behind belonging to one Praveen B. (43) R/o Ashokanagara Mangalore that was parked near Sharada Clinic at Chilimbi Mangalore. Further auto rickshaw driver lost control over his vehicle due which auto rickshaw capsized. As a result Jacob D’Souza driver of auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries and the car got damaged.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 16/11/2007 at 0845 hrs at Nanthoor Junction Padavu Mangalore one Peter Oswald Desa driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-AE-7907 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a Kinetic Honda scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-K-1507. As a result one Amarnatha Shetty rider of Kinetic Honda scooter sustained grievous injuries. The bus driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 13/11/2007 at 1630 hrs on Vagga-Karinja road at Kavalapadoor village Bantwal Taluk one Lokesha driver of Maruti car bearing Reg. No. KA-02-A-3300 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against an Electric Transformer due which two Electric poles got damaged. No causalities reported. The damage caused is about 45,000/.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 16/11/2007 at 1045 hrs at Parladka Puttur Town one Padmanabha driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. MEI-4167 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-H-3971. As a result motorcycle rider one Subhashchandra R/o Mottethadka Kemminje village Puttur Taluk sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 16/11/2007 at 1630 hrs on NH-48 at Mata Uppinangady village Puttur Taluk one Jinnu driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-20-6377 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which vehicle capsized. As a result Jinnu driver of jeep, Abdul Aziz (37) R/o Uppinangady Puttur Taluk and other 7 to 8 passenger who were travelling in the said jeep sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil

Missing Persons: 02

  • A case of Girl missing has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. One Manjula (15) R/o Neharu Nagara Kabaka village Puttur Taluk who went to School at Putur on 23/10/2007 at 1430 hrs and did not return to her house there after. She has been found missing since then.
  • A case of Man missing has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 15/11/2007 at 1700 hrs one Ibrahim (26) R/o Pallikere Sullia Taluk accidentally slipped into Payasvini river at Adkaru Jalsur village Sullia Taluk and got washed away. He has not been traced so for.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 603
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 37,900/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 16, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 16/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. In between 14/11/2007 at 1730 hrs and 15/11/2007 at 0920 hrs some unknown culprits gained entry into Manchi Vyvasaya Seva Sahakari Bank at Kukkaje Manchi village Bantwal Taluk by breaking the shutter lock and committed theft of 06 bags of arecanut (each 65 Kgs). The total worth of stolen property is Rs. 21,100/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 01

  • A case of MV Theft has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 12/11/2007 in between 0915 hrs and 1200 hrs some unknown culprits committed theft of a Maruti Omni car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-2781 belonging to one Henry Fernandez (59) R/o Belluru Bantwal Taluk that was parked at the premise of Colaco hospital at Lower Bendoor Mangalore. The Maruti Omni car is worth Rs. 46,000/.

Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 07

Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station where in one Laxmana Saliyan (58) R/o Malemmar Derebail Mangalore was declared dead while under treatment on 15/11/2007 at 1715 hrs. The said Laxmana Saliyan sustained seriously injured by an auto rickshaw in a road traffic accident on 13/06/2007 at 0600 hrs near Ashwathakatte Prashanthnagar Derebail Mangalore and admitted to A.J. Hospital at Mangalore. In this connection a case has already been registered in Kavoor Police Station.

Non-Fatal: 06

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Mangalore South Police Station. On 15/11/2007 at 1130 hrs one driver of a Jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Z-5595 parked his vehicle near Rosario Church at Mangalore. However he forgot to switch of the engine. As a result Jeep moved ahead accidentally and rammed into an auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-5323 and Tata Indica car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-867 due which all the three vehicle got damaged.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 15/11/2007 at 1200 hrs near Wenlock hopspital at Mangalore one unknown driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-2781 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Jesha (24) W/o Niresha R/o Attavara Mangalore a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries. The auto rickshaw driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 13/11/2007 at 1230 hrs at Bunts hostel Mangalore one unknown scooter rider drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed aganist a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-R-8835 from behind. As a result motorcycle rider one Prapul Chand Anchan (58) R/o Balmatta Mangalore sustained grievous injuries. The scooter rider escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 14/11/2007 at 0800 hrs on Macharu-Nirude road at Badagayekkaru village Mangalore Taluk one Wilson Sequeira driver of Tata 407 Tempo bearing Reg. No. KA-25-A-4403 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which tempo capsized. As a result Vasu Gowda (40) R/o Permude Thenkayekkaru village, Shivappa and Gulabhi who were travelling in the said tempo sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 15/11/2007 at 0930 hrs on Konaje-Thokkutu road at Deralakatte Mangalore one driver of new Mahindra Pickup vehicle drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-6223. As a result Mohammed Iqbal (25) R/o Harekala village Mangalore Taluk motorcycle rider and Abbusali pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Venoor Police Station. On 14/11/2007 at 0815 hrs at Goliyangady Nittade Belthangady Taluk one Hamzath driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-6700 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which auto rickshaw capsized. As a result Ashraf (30) R/o Panakaje Sonadoor village Belthangady Taluk and Sharif who were travelling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: Nil

Others: 01

  • A case under Causing Grievous hurt by endangering life (sec 338 ) has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 15/11/2007 at 1130 hrs at Baranya Panaje village Puttur Taluk, Annappa B.E. (26) R/o Kushalanagara Sakaleshpura who was working on the Electric Pole got electrocuted and sustained grievous injuris due to the negligence of Praveen the lineman of of KEB Puttur.

Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 04

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. On 15/11/2007 at 1630 hrs one Narayana Nayar (55) R/o Pallikere Kerala State committed suicide by consuming pesticide in his room at City Lodge Hampankatta Mangalore.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 15/11/2007 in between 1030 hrs and 1215 hrs one Pramod K. (46) R/o Darbe Puttur Town committed suicide by hanging near his house owing to personal problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 15/11/2007 in between 0800 hrs and 1800 hrs one Ganesha (35) R/o Devasya Kolnadu village Bantwal Taluk committed suicide by pesticide in his house owing to health problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Venoor Police station. On 15/11/2007 at 1100 hrs one Praveena (27) R/o Mullagudde Badagakarandoor village Belthangady Taluk attempted to commit suicide by consuming poison owing health problem. He was admitted to Govt. Hospital at Belthangady where he declared dead while under treatment on the same day.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 562
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 34,700/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Daily Crime Incidents for November 15, 2007

The following are the crimes reported in D.K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 15/11/2007.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 01
  • A case of MV Theft has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. In between 10/11/2007 at 1900 hrs and 11/11/2007 at 0700 hrs some unknown culprits committed theft of a Hero Honda Passion Plus motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-20-Q-7496 belonging to one Mansoor Husain R/o Padubidre village Udupi District that was parked at the premises of S.H. Manzil Compound Talapady Bantwal Taluk. The motorcycle is worth Rs.25, 000/.

Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 03

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered Urwa Police Station. On 14/11/2007 at 1230 hrs on NH 17 at Kottarachowki Mangalore one unknown driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-44-905 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-4003 from behind driven by one Vishwanatha Ganiga (32) R/o Padnur village Bantwal Taluk due which driver of bus lost control and rammed to a car bearing Reg. No. CTA-5657 from back. Further the lorry driver dashed against another car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-M-9618. As a result Jenifer and Bindu who were travelling in the said bus sustained simple injuries and all the four vehicles got damaged. The lorry driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 14/11/2007 at 1915 hrs on Bantwal-Kadoor road at Guruvayanakere Kuvettu village Belthangady Taluk one Francis driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-8526 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against a lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-13-6974. As a result driver of auto rickshaw Francis and George K. A. who was travelling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 14/11/2007 at 1920 .hrs at Bollary Thumbe village Bantwal Taluk one driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-947 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Suresha (28) R/o Thumbe village Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.

Cheating/ Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 13/11/2007 at 2030 hrs accused Vishwanatha, Daya @ Dayananda, Shekara and Purushotama abused one Janardhana (36) R/o Nelligudde Moodanadugodu village Bantwal Taluk in filthy language near his house and assaulted him with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 14/11/2007 at 1515 hrs one Rekha (27) W/o Naveena R/o Atthaje Bajatthuru village Puttur Taluk committed suicide by hanging in her house owing to personal problem.

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Girl missing has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. One Sumithra (22) W/o Annu Gowda R/o Kadirudyavara village Belthangady Taluk left her house on 12/11/2007 at 1600 hrs and did not return to his house there after. She has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 378
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 24,600/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.