Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fake Credit Cards Racket : Four Held

Fake Credit Cards Racket : Four Held

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.

¢£ÁAPÀ: 19/10/2008 gÀAzÀÄ ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ zÀQët ¥Éưøï oÁuÁ ªÁå¦ÛAiÀÄ ¥sÀ½ßÃgï gÀ¸ÉÛAiÀÄ°ègÀĪÀ ¤PÉÆî¸ï JA§ªÀgÀ SPAN TELECOM JA§ £ÉÆÃQAiÀiÁ ªÉƨÉÊ¯ï ±ÉÆÃgÀƪÀiï¤AzÀ £ÀPÀ° PÉærmï PÁqïð G¥ÀAiÉÆÃV¹ gÀÆ. 1,01,654/- ªÀiË®åzÀ 5 ªÉƨÉÊ¯ï ¥ÉÆãÀÄUÀ¼À£ÀÄß Rjâ¹ ªÀAa¹zÀ CgÉÆæUÀ¼À ¥ÉÊQ 4 ªÀÄA¢ DgÉÆæUÀ¼À£ÀÄß zÀ.PÀ f¯Áè ¥Éưøï C¢üÃPÀëPÀgÀªÀgÀ DzÉñÀzÀAvÉ, ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ UÁæªÀiÁAvÀgÀ ¥Éưøï oÁuÁ ¦J¸ïL ²æà ¥ÀæPÁ±ï gÀªÀgÀ £ÉÃvÀævÀézÀ J¸ï¦ «±ÉõÀ ¥ÀvÉÛ zÀ¼ÀzÀªÀgÀÄ zÀ¸ÀÛVj ªÀiÁqÀĪÀ°è AiÀıÀ¹éAiÀiÁVgÀÄvÁÛgÉ. DgÉÆæUÀ¼À ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄ «¼Á¸À F PɼÀV£ÀAwzÉ.

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To download photo clickhere

Daily Crime Incidents for June 30, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 30/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. In between 0800 hrs and 1345 hrs of 29/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Ibrahim A. (41) R/o Gadipila house Narimogaru village Puttur Taluk by breaking the back door and committed a theft of gold ornaments and 3 Nokia mobiles hand sets all in worth Rs. 15, 000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 01

  • A case of MV Theft has been registered in Panambur Police Station. In between 2200 hrs of 26/06/2009 and 0800 hrs of 27/06/2009 some unknown culprits committed theft of a Hero Honda motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-R-5633 belonging to one Shrikanth Kumar S. (33) R/o Dayashri Nilaya New Colony Kotekaru village Mangalore that was parked near his house. The motorcycle is worth Rs. 20, 000/.

Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 03

Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 28/06/2009 at 2330 hrs at Hosmar Nellikaru village Mangalore Taluk one Rasul driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. MP-02-W-5258 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a tree. As a result one Rehamathulla cleaner of the said lorry sustained serious injuries. Further he succumbed to his injuries while on the way to hospital.

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 29/06/2009 at 1115 hrs near Korirotti junction Mangalore one unknown driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-8922 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-3482. As a result one Manasa Gupta (23) R/o Gyanpura road Badohi district Utter Pradesh State rider of said motorcycle sustained simple injuries. The auto rickshaw driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 28/06/2009 at 1300 hrs at Udane Shirady village Puttur Taluk one driver of Maruti car bearing Reg. No. KA-13-M-2873 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Prakash a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries. The Maruti car driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil

Attempt to Murder: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Criminal restraint, Hurt, Kidnapping along with Attempt to Murder has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 28/06/2009 at 1730 hrs accused Naveen Chowta, Abhi Chowta, Udaya Kumar, Subhas Chowta, Prabhachandra Chowta, Jeevandhar Chowta and others forming into an unlawful assembly in front of Post office at Daregudde village Mangalore Taluk and stopped an Indica car and kidnapped one Jayavarma (41) R/o Hosamane Daregudde village Mangalore Taluk driver of said car and attempted to kill him by assaulting with wooden stick. The motive seems to be financial dispute between Jayavarma and accused persons.

Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 320
Fine amounts collected: 30, 500/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Daily Crime Incidents for June 29, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 29/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01

  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On the night of 28/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the Angavadi Kendra at Akra Kodipady village Puttur Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed theft of a gas cylinder. The worth of stolen property is Rs. 1, 200/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 04

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 28/06/2009 at 0900 hrs near Mallikatte junction at Mangalore one driver of Maruthi car bearing Reg. No. DL-06-C-710 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Mohini D R/o Bendoor Mangalore a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 28/06/2009 at 1700 hrs near Nandini Milk Parlor at Pumpwell Mangalore one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-L-7799 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another motorcycle bearing Reg. No. CRQ-9276. As a result motorcycle rider bearing Reg. No. CRQ-9276 Sujith K. Bangera (29) R/o Morgangate Mangalore and Susheela pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 27/06/2009 at 1345 hrs on Court cross road at Puttur Town one Shekar driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-19-M-3738 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided one Vedavathi (46) R/o near Mahalingeshwara Temple Puttur Town a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 27/06/2009 at 1100 hrs at Kabaka Bantwal Town one driver of Tata Indica car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-5739 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided one Mohammed Musliyar R/o Karopady village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 299
Fine amounts collected: 21,400/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mangalore South PS Chethan Shetty Murder case detected: Four Held

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.

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Daily Crime Incidents for June 28, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 28/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 03

  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Mulki Police Station. In between 2000 hrs of 26/06/2008 and 0730 hrs of 27/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry gain into the Kanthabare-Boodhabare temple at Ulepadi village Mangalore Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed a theft of Gold and Silver ornaments all in worth Rs 48,000/.
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. In between 0800 hrs and 1830 hrs of 26/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry gain into the house belonging to one Ramanatha (29) R/o Nayila Narikombu village Bantwal Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed a theft of TV, Wrist watches (02) and Cash Rs.1,000/ all in worth Rs 8,000/.
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. In between 2100 hrs of 26/06/2009 and 0730 hrs of 27/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry gain into the Mobile Care shop at Kalleri Karaya village Belthangady Taluk belonging to one Mahammad Riyaz (22) R/o Karaya village Belthangday Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed a theft of mobile phones (14) and Cash Rs.5, 380/ all in worth Rs 22,000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangday Police Station. On 27/06/2009 at 0915 hrs at Dharkasu Badakajekkaru village Bantwal Taluk one Ibrahim driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-7913 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-H-8642. As a result motorcycle rider Rajesh, Sudhir pillion rider of said motorcycle, Ibrahim driver of auto rickshaw and other passengers who were traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained grievous injuries. Further Rajesh succumbed to his injuries while on the way to hospital.

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 27/06/2009 at 1315 hrs near Kulashekara Church at Mangalore one Mohan Achar (42) R/o Kotregutthu Amblamogru Mangalore a passenger of the bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-9827 fell down from the bus and sustained simple injuries while getting down as the driver of the bus moved the bus in negligent manner.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 28/06/2008 at 0200 hrs on NH-17 at NMPT main gate Panambur Mangalore one unknown driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-31-5454 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-5414 that was parked at roadside. As a result one Manjunatha (34) R/o Shivamoga District driver of the lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-5414 sustained simple injuries. The driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-31-5454 escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kadaba Police Station. On 27/06/2009 at 0915 hrs in front of Ideal Stores at Kadaba village Puttur Taluk one Dhananjaya driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-06-M-2287 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Sujith a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 26/06/2009 at 2130 hrs accused Ganesh, Poovappa and Shekar criminally restrained one Dayananda T.M (39) R/o Thotadamoole Kokkada village Belthangady Taluk and abused in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 08/06/2009 at 1800 hrs one Ahalya Shetty (60) R/o Urwa Mangalore accidentally got serious burn injuries while lighting a kerosene lamp in her house and she was admitted to Wenlock hospital at Mangalore where she succumbed to his injuries while under treatment on 27/06/2009 at 0845 hrs.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 257
Fine amounts collected: 19,500/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Daily Crime Incidents for June 27, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 27/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. In between 1100 hrs and 1330 hrs of 25/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry gain into the house belonging to one Ravi Mane R/o near Compco Belthangady Taluk by breaking the window grill and committed a theft of gold ornaments and cash Rs. 4,000/ all in worth Rs. 23, 000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 01

  • A case of Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace, Hurt, Criminal intimidation, Cruelty by Husband and his relatives along with Dowry Prohibition Act has been registered in Kavoor Police Station on the complaint of one Asma (23) w/o Abdul Samad R/o Star Manzil Gadhinagara Kavoor village Mangalore Taluk. In the complaint it is alleged that Abdul Samad (hasband) and his relatives Aleema, Fathima, Absa and Mamthaz gave physical and mental harassment to her to bring more dowry and on 24/06/2009 accused Abdul Samad assaulted her by hand due which she got injured.

Road Traffic Accidents: 01


Non-Fatal: 01

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 26/06/2009 at 0615 hrs at Santhekatte Belthangady Taluk one unknown vehicle driver drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Antony Rodrigus a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries. The unknown vehicle driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil

Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 03

  • A case under Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 26/06/2009 at 0630 hrs near Karyargoli junction at Kurnadu village Bantwal Taluk accused Hamza R/o Mudipu, Abubakkar Jelli, Ashraf, Hydar and others assaulted one Jagadish Shetty (25) R/o Nachadodaga Naringana village Bantwal Taluk with wooden stick and with stone. They also assaulted Vinaya Bhat and Jagadish with wooden stick and with stone who were came to help Jagadish Shetty. The motive seems to be personal enmity.
  • A case under Criminal restraint, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 26/06/2009 at 1330 hrs accused Abdul Raroof, Junaid and Razak criminally restrained one Ayesha R/o near APMPC road Puttur Taluk near her house and assaulted her by hand also gave life threat to her.
  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 25/06/2009 at 1830 hrs accused Sunil came in motorcycle and stopped a Tractor near Arambooru Aletti village Sullia Taluk and abused the driver of said Tractor one Vishwakumar (26) R/o Amaramudnoor village Sullia Taluk in filthy language and assaulted him by hand and also gave life threat to him owing to personal enmity.

Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: 01

  • A case under the Prevention of Immoral Traffic Act has been registered in Woman Police Station. On 26/06/2009 at 1100 hrs WPI of Women PS on rounds arrested one Geetha (36) R/o Kavoor Mangalore who was soliciting for prostitution at public place near Roopa Hotel at Mangalore.

Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 279
Fine amounts collected: 23, 400/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fake Gold Racket Busted by DCIB:Two Held

Fake Gold

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Ganja Case Detected: Three held

Ganja case Detected

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.

F ¢£À ¢£ÁAPÀ 26/06/2009 gÀAzÀÄ 1500 UÀAmÉUÉ ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ £ÀUÀgÀzÀ PÉÃAzÀæ ªÀÄgÀÄPÀmÉÖAiÀÄ ªÀÄl£ï ¸ÁÖ¯ï §½ EgÀĪÀ ±ËZÁ®AiÀÄzÀ §½ M§â ªÀåQÛ UÁAdªÀ£ÀÄß ºÉÆA¢zÀÄÝ, EvÀgÀ E§âgÀÄ DvÀ¤UÉ ªÀiÁgÁl ªÀiÁqÀ®Ä ¸ÀºÀPÀj¸ÀÄwÛzÁÝgÉ JA§ÄzÁV zÉÆgÉvÀ ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£ÀzÀ ªÉÄÃgÉUÉ ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ GvÀÛgÀ oÁuÉAiÀÄ ¥Éưøï G¥À-¤jÃPÀëPÀgÁzÀ ²æà ªÀÄAdÄ£ÁxÀ PÉ.Dgï. ¥ÉÆæ¨ÉµÀ£Àj ¦J¸ïL PÀÄ. F±Àéj ¦.J£ï ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¹§âA¢ ªÀUÀðzÀªÀgÁzÀ JJ¸ïL AiÉÆÃVñï, ºÉqïPÁ£ï¸ÉÖç¯ïUÀ¼ÀªÀgÁzÀ ¨sÁ¸ÀÌgÀ PÁªÀÄvï, ¨Á§Ä J£ï, ¥Éưøï PÁ£ï¸ÉÖç¯ïUÀ¼ÀªÀgÁzÀ ¨Á®PÀȵÀÚ, «£ÉÆÃzï, ¸À°ÃA, ªÀÄtÂPÀAoÀ EªÀgÉÆA¢UÉ zÁ½ DgÉÆæUÀ¼ÁzÀ
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Monthly SC/ST Meeting

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.

zÀ.PÀ. f¯Áè ¥ÉưøÀÄ C¢üÃPÀëPÀgÀ CzsÀåPÀëvÉAiÀÄ°è ¢£ÁAPÀ: 28/06/2009 ¨sÁ£ÀĪÁgÀzÀAzÀÄ ¥ÀƪÁðºÀß 1100 UÀAmÉUÉ f¯Áè ¥Éưøï PÀZÉÃjAiÀÄ DªÀgÀtzÀ°ègÀĪÀ ¥Éưøï Cwy UÀȺÀ ¸À¨sÁAUÀtzÀ°è ªÀiÁ¹PÀ ¥Àj²µÀÖ eÁw ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥Àj²µÀÖ ¥ÀAUÀqÀUÀ¼À ¸À¨sÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß £ÀqɸÀ¯ÁUÀĪÀÅzÀÄ.

Daily Crime Incidents for June 26, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 26/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 04
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 25/06/2009 at 1730 hrs on Balmatta road at Mangalore one driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-AB-5595 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a Honda Activa scooter bearing Reg. No.KA-19-R-4206. As a result Honda Activa scooter Alvira Lobo (39) R/o Atthavara Mangalore and Mishel Lobo pillion rider of said Honda Activa scooter sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 25/06/2009 at 0800 hrs in front of Ramakrishna High school at Harekala village Mangalore Taluk one Nazeer driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-7484 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a Tipper lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-35-A-5122. As a result Gopala Poojary (42) R/o Kakkemajalu Konaje village Mangalore Taluk and other passengers who were traveling in the said bus sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Town Police Station. On 22/06/2009 at 1145 hrs at Loretto Padavu Amtady village Bantwal Taluk one Dombayya rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-W-1361 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-V-8151. As a result motorcycle rider bearing Reg. No. KA-19-V-8151 Santhosh Kumar and Thimmappa pillion rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-W-1361 sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 24/06/2009 at 0840 hrs at Varnagundy Kowkardy village Puttur Taluk one driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-31-5691 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-B-4925 driven by Sathisha L.M. R/o Chikkamagalur District. As a result Abdul Satthar cleaner of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-B-4925 sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 25/06/2009 at 0730 hrs one Tharanatha Ameen (30) R/o Kallugudde Kemminje village Puttur Taluk attempt to commit suicide by consuming poison in his house owing to personal problem. Further he was admitted to Govt hospital at Puttur where he declared dead while under treatment on same day at 0930 hrs.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 25/06/2009 at 1830 hrs one Hegdesha (35) R/o Mitthadka Bettampady village Puttur Taluk attempt to commit suicide by consuming poison in his house owing to financial problem. Further he was admitted to Chethana hospital at Puttur where he declared dead while under treatment on same day at 2020 hrs.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 310
Fine amounts collected: 28,600/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.


It is one week since the robbery of gold ornaments weighing 32.5 kgs and Rs. 6 ¾ lakhs from the NMG Bank at Periya Bazar Kasaragod has occurred. The Police has got some clues about the accused persons. The investigation in to this case is in progress.

It is announced that a cash reward of Rs. 1 lakh will be given to the informant who gives valuable information for the speedy detection of the case and the arrest of accused persons.

The address particulars of the informants will be kept in secret. The information may be given to the following phone numbers/Email.

  • DySP Kanhangad 9446027890
  • CI Hosdurg 9446113399, 04672204229
  • Fax SP Kasaragod 0499257401
  • E Mail dysp.kngd@yahoo.in

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Temple Theft Case Detected by DCIB: One Held

Mangalore Rural

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.


  • §§ÄæªÁºÀ£À AiÀiÁ£É C±ÉÆÃPÀ (14) ªÁ¸À: ±ÁAvÀ®£ÀUÀgÀ, CUÀgÉ ºÀ¼ÉéÃqÀÄ gÀ¸ÉÛ, ºÁ¸À£À vÁ®ÆPÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ f¯Éè

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To download photo clickhere

Daily Crime Incidents for June 25, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 25/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 01
  • A case under Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1545 hrs accused one Mahammad assaulted Nafisa (32) and Hamza both residents of Kukkudakatte Balepuni village Bantwal Taluk with wooden stick at Thirtharakadu Kairangala village Bantwal Taluk and also gave life threat to them owing to civil dispute.

Road Traffic Accidents: 02

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic West Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 0915 hrs near Kamath Medical store at Mannagudde Mangalore one unknown rider of Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-03-HV-3288 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another motorcycle bearing Reg. No.KA-19-S-8286. Further the rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-03-HV-3288 lost control over the vehicle and collided against one Girija (71) R/o Ballalbagh Mangalore a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries. The rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-03-HV-3288 escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 0830 hrs at Bedrodi Bajathuru village Puttur Taluk one unknown driver of Lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-7067 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another Lorry bearing Reg. No. HR-55-C-0657. As a result Vijay Kumar (40) R/o Davangere District driver of Lorry bearing Reg. No. HR-55-C-0657 sustained grievous injures.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 02

  • A case under Rioting, Criminal restraint, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1930 hrs accused Raheem, Chukku Shabir, Chukku Lathif, Ashraf @ Asoor, Thoja @ Ummarabba, Sakeer @ Kallamutte, Thousif, Ajiz @ Louis, Hakeem, Salim @ Jidda and Thousif @ Babu forming into unlawful assembly and criminally restrained one Abdul Majid (25) R/o Karvelu 34th Nekkiladi village Puttur Taluk near his house and assaulted him by hand and with sword, wooden stick, soda bottle and also assaulted Siraj and Harris who came to help Abdul Majid with stone and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Rioting, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 2100 hrs accused Majeed, Sulaiman, Gafoor, Aarif, Khadar K.S, JCB Siddique Satthar, Shareef, Razak K.K and others forming into unlawful assembly and abused one Shabbir (47) R/o Karvelu Biliyuru village Bantwal Taluk in filthy language near his house and assaulted him by hand and with soda bottle and also gave life threat to him owing to previous enmity.

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1530 hrs accused Hamza and Nafisa assaulted one Mahammad (36) R/o Kukkudakatte Balepuni village Bantwal Taluk by hand and with sickle at Thirtharakadu Kairangala village Bantwal Taluk and also gave life threat to them owing to civil dispute.

Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: 01

  • A case of Gambling under Karnataka Police Act has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 24/06/2009 at 1715 hrs on credible information PSI (L&O) Urwa PS along with staff conducted a raid on Taxi stand at Urwastores Mangalore. At the time of raid Police found 06 persons playing “Ander- Bahar” with cards in a Maxicab vehicle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-7236. The Police seized cash Rs.5, 020/, mobiles (09) and playing cards and also the vehicle from the spot by arresting Donald D Souza (46), Rajesh (34), Rajesh (35), Michel D Souza (31), Ramchandra (38) and Manoj (32) who were indulged in gambling.

Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 336
Fine amounts collected: 32,800/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Wooden logs seized by Bantwal Town Police

On 24/06/2009 at 1630 hrs PSI Bantwal Town PS along with his staff on credible information intercepted a Lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-32-A-5544 at Bolangady Panemangalore village Bantwal Taluk and seized 12 wooden logs worth Rs 17,000/ that were being transported illegally by Ananda Kulal K (40) R/o Kodaje Mani village Bantwal Taluk. The lorry has also been seized.

In this connection, a case has been registered in Bantwal Town PS under the Karnataka Forest Act.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Daily Crime Incidents for June 24, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 24/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil

Ordinary Theft: 01

  • A case of Ordinary Theft has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. In between 1200 hrsof 20/06/2009 and 0500 hrs of 21/06/2009 some unknown culprits committed theft of a Power Battery and Starter belonging to Reliance Petrol Bunk at Kuloor Mangalore. The total worth of stolen property Rs 17,000/.

Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 01

  • A case under Cruelty by husband along with Abetment of suicide has been registered in Mulki Police Station on the complaint of one Lalitha (50) R/o Darkasu Marooru village Karkala Taluk Udupi District. In the complaint it is alleged that accused Surendra Achari R/o Kallapu Haleyandy village Mangalore Taluk gave physical and mental harassment to one Sukanya @ Nethravathi W/o Surendra Achari R/o Kallapu Haleyandy village Mangalore Taluk due to which on 23/06/2009 at 0200 hrs she committed suicide by pouring kerosene herself and got serious burn injuries and died on the spot in her house.

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 04

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1645 hrs near Ambedkar circle at Mangalore one driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-20-A-2451 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a car bearing Reg. No.KA-03-MB-5227. As a result the car got damaged. No causality reported.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 22/06/2009 at 1730 hrs in front of Ayyappa Temple at Deralakatte Belma village Mangalore Taluk one Riyaz driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-8989 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner due which one Sudhakara (37) R/o Nithyananda Nagar Kotekar village Mangalore Taluk who was traveling in the said bus was thrown out of the bus and sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1230 hrs at Krishna Nagara Aramboor Aletti village Sullia Taluk one driver of jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-12-1961 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-K-5405. As a result motorcycle rider Ravichandra (28) R/o Sullia Town and Jothishi M.K. pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mulki Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1215 hrs on NH-17 at Pavanje village Mangalore Taluk one Prasanna Bhat driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-C-3461 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Girija (54) R/o Pavanje village Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused her grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt, Attempt to Murder along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 2000 hrs accused Nithin Boloor, Dikshith, Hemachandra @ Shambhu, Maneesh, Sushanth, Shreyas, Roshan and driver of Alto car forming into an unlawful assembly near Bhava Tiles Factory at Ashokanagara Mangalore and abused Chethan Kumar (30) R/o Shediguri Ashokanagara Mangalore and Hariprasad and attempted to murder by assaulted them with wooden stick and sharp weapon and also gave life threat to them owing to trivial issue.

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 0900 hrs accused unknown 3 to 4 persons criminally restrained one Soofee G Thaj (18) R/o Hosangady Manjeshwar Kasaragod District Kerala State near Mutthappa Temple at Railway Station Mangalore and assaulted him with stone and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1520 hrs one Kasthuri D/o Koraga R/o Mahabaladka Jalsoor village Sullia Taluk while working in her house due to heavy lighting she got electrocuted and died.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 23/06/2009 at 1030 hrs one dead body of Satheesha Rai (31) R/o Kukkandoor Jalsoor village Sullia Taluk was found in pond near his house owing to health problem. It seems to be a case of suicide by jumping into the pond.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 450
Fine amounts collected: 47,000/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Daily Crime Incidents for June 23, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 23/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 02
  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 22/06/2009 at 1215 hrs accused Narnappa and Mayeela abused one Pushpalatha W/o Lingappa Gowda (28) R/o Umiya Koyyur village Belthangady Taluk in filthy language near her house and assaulted her with wooden stick owing to dispute between them.
  • A case under Cruelty by husband and his relatives, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Belthangady Police Station on the complaint of one Zareenabi (24) W/o Ummar Farooq R/o Gerukatte Kaliya village Belthangady Taluk. In the complaint it is alleged that accused Ummar Farooq (husband) gave physical and mental harassment to Zareenabi and also gave life threat to her owing to family dispute.

Road Traffic Accidents: 05

Fatal: 02

  • A case of Fatal road accident has been registered in Sullia Police Station. Where in one Deranna Gowda has been declared dead while under treatment on 22/06/2009 at 0040 hrs. The said Deranna Gowda was seriously injured by a bus in a road traffic accident on 17/06/2009 at 1145 hrs at Pajapalla Mupperya village Sullia Taluk and admitted to the Adarsh hospital at Puttur. In this connection a case has been already registered in Sullia Police Station.
  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 22/06/2007 at 1415 hrs at Neralakatte Netlamudnoor village Bantwal Taluk one driver of Tempo bearing Reg. No. KA-19-C-1178 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Sandesh (23) R/o Bhavanthibettu Malali Badagulipady village Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused him serious injuries. Further he succumbed to his injuries while on the way to hospital.

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 21/06/2009 at 1630 hrs near bus stand at Sangabettu village Bantwal Taluk one Sundara Poojary driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-C-2200 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Sundara Shettigara R/o Siddakatte Sangabettu village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 22/06/2009 at 0900 hrs at Goonadka Sampaje village Sullia Taluk one driver of Innova car bearing Reg. No. KA-05-MD-7255 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a KSRTC bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-F-2338. As a result Innova car driver and other two passengers who were traveling in the said car sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 20/06/2009 at 1130 hrs on B.C.road-Vittal road at Bantwal Town one Honnappa rider of scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-21-H-2243 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-W-1567. As a result scooter rider Naveena and Sathyanarayana Varma (32) R/o Vittal Town pillion rider of said scooter sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 02

  • A case under Criminal restraint along with Hurt has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 22/06/2009 at 1215 hrs accused Krishnappa Gowda, Lingappa Gowda, Pushpalatha criminally restrained one Mayeelappa Gowda (41) R/o Umiya Koyyur village Belthangady Taluk near his house and assaulted him with wooden stick owing to civil dispute between them.
  • A case under Hurt has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 22/06/2009 at 1415 hrs accused one Thimmappa Poojary assaulted one Mahalinga Naik (38) R/o Korangu Keminje village Puttur Taluk with wooden stick near his house owing to civil dispute between them.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 593
Fine amounts collected: 55,300/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Daily Crime Incidents for June 22, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 22/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 01
  • A case under Outraging the modesty of woman along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 21/06/2009 at 1600 hrs one 17 year old girl R/o Mapala Belthangady Town was on her way to home by walk. At that time accused Sulaiman tried to outrage her modesty by pulling her hand and also gave life threat to her.

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 21/06/2007 at 1430 hrs at Kaikamba Keyyur village Puttur Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-L-1092 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and dashed against one Deranna Rai R/o Keyyur village Puttur Taluk a pedestrian and caused him serious injuries. Further he succumbed to his injuries while on the way to hospital.

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 21/06/2009 at 1830 hrs at Kaibatthal Kadri Mangalore one unknown driver of Maruthi van bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-2614 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided aginst a car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Z-335 driven by Anthony Pinto R/o Nanthoor Mangalore. As a result car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Z-335 got damaged. No casualty reported. The unknown driver of Maruthi van escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bantwal Rural Police Station. On 20/06/2009 at 1400 hrs at Ramalkatte Thumbe village Bantwal Taluk one Krishna Reddy driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-8423 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-8404 due which lorry driver bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-8404 lost control over his vehicle and rammed to another lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-5398. As a result Krishna Reddy driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-8423 and Gulzar Ahamed (24) R/o Shimoga District cleaner of the lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-16-A-8404 sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 20/06/2009 at 1900 hrs at Bellichadavu Nettanigemudnuru village Puttur Taluk one Ananda driver of Pickup vehicle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-6140 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a Jeep bearing Reg. No. KA-13-A-1314 driven by one Shivarama Gowda K (49) R/o Kapinagoodlu Amaramudnuru village Sullia Taluk. As a result both the vehicles got damaged. No casualties reported.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil

Attempt to Murder: 01

  • A case under Hurt along with Attempt to murder has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 21/06/2009 at 1630 hrs accused one Dinesha assaulted one Sharath Shetty near car parking place at Puttur Town with a knife and tried to kill him owing trivial issue.

Riots: Nil

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 21/06/2009 at 1030 hrs accused Ganesh, Manoj and Dhanjaya abused one Sridhara P. (35) R/o Putthila Ajjavara village Sullia Taluk in filthy language at Jijabhayee circle Kanthamangala village Sullia Taluk and assaulted him by hand and with stone and also gave life threat to him owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 21/06/2009 at 0730 hrs one Sanjeeva Shetty (70) R/o Kalya Patrame village Belthangady Taluk committed suicide by consuming poison in his house owing to financial problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. In between 1700 hrs and 1800 hrs of 21/06/2009 one Kunhanna Maniyani R/o Kayarguri Palthadi village Puttur Taluk accidentally slipped into a pond near his house while walking and died due to drowning.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 259
Fine amounts collected: 22,900/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Daily Crime Incidents for June 21, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 21/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Sullia Police Station. In between 2000 hrs of 19/06/2008 0330 hrs of 20/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry gain into the Pragathi traders shop at Doddathota Amarapadnuru village Sullia Taluk belonging to one Shrikanth (24) R/o Mavinakatte Devachalla village Sullia Taluk breaking the shetter lock and committed a theft of arecanut (325 kgs), Black pepper (325 kgs) and rubber sheets (130 kgs) all in worth Rs 24,000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 01

  • A case of MV Theft has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On the intervening night of 03-04/05/2009 some unknown culprits committed a theft of Honda Activa scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-R-3156 belonging to one Namitha D Rao R/o Mangaladevi road Mangalore that was parked in the parking place of KMC Attavara Mangalore. The worth of scooter yet to be estimated.

Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: Nil
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil

Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. In between 2130 hrs of 19/06/2009 and 0745 hrs of 20/06/2009 hrs one Sanjeeva R/o Kinyalekki Padangadi village Belthangady Taluk committed suicide by hanging in his house owing to personal problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 20/06/2009 at 1530 hrs one Ithappa Naik R/o Krishnanagar Chikkamudnuru village Puttur Taluk fell down due to some illness while working near his house and died on the spot.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 301
Fine amounts collected: 32,200/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Bid to abduct Advocate for Ransom and Murder Foiled, Nine underworld elements arrested with weapons and vehicles

An attempt to abduct a city advocate for ransom and murder has been foiled by the DCIB team of DK District Police minutes before it could be executed, thereby preventing a mojor crime that would have sent shock waves among the legal fraternity. A gang of nine members working for the well known underworld gangster Koraga Vishwanath Shetty have been nabbed on the evening of 20-06-2009 along with a 9mm Pistol, ten live rounds, a bike, a car, an auto rickshaw, eight mobile phones and several sharp weapons.

On 20-06-2009 the Mangalore East Police station received a complaint at 0900 hrs from one Advocate in the city, that a group of three youngsters came to his office on a bike at Bunts Hostel and threatened him at gun point to give him extortion money otherwise he would be kidnapped by the same evening and even murdered if their demands are not met. On the complaint of the Advocate a case was taken up at the East Police station under Cr No. 137/09 U/s 448, 504, 506 R/w 34 IPC and Sec 25 & 27 of Arms Act. Immediately a team was formed under PI DCIB Venkatesh Prasanna to nab the culprits before any untoward incident occurs. They immediately started collecting information on the gangs and zeroed in on a gang working for Koraga Vishwanath Shetty operating in the city. On definite information that the gang was proceeding towards the city to the advocate’s office at 5 pm, the DCIB team intercepted a car at Karangalapadi, Mangalore City and caught five individuals in it. On questioning the boys they immediately confessed to be proceeding towards the office of the advocate to abduct him to a secret location in Kambalapadavu near Konaje. They disclosed their names as

1. Anish Shetty

2. Harisha @ Cocaine Harish

3. Deekshit poojari

4. Deepak Poojari and

5. Aneesh Leepak Lasrado

On conducting a personal search, a 9mm pistol along with seven rounds and three sharp weapons were recovered along with the car they were driving. On interrogation they revealed that they had placed 4 more gang members at the secret location at Konaje and that they had kept three more live rounds and a few sharp weapons in that location. They also revealed that they were instructed to undertake this operation on instructions of Koraga Vishwanath Shetty who stays abroad in a gulf country. The team immediately proceeded to the location mentioned by them and arrested three others namely

1. Ajay Karera

2. Ganesh

3. Nawaz and

4. Lokesh Devadiga

and seized three live rounds, two sharp weapons, a bike, eight mobile phones and an auto rickshaw from the spot.

Among those arrested, Harisha is involved in five cases of Hurt rioting and Arms Act in Madikeri town, Bramhavara of Udupi and Puttur Rural. Anish shetty is involved in 2 cases of Fake DD and Kidnap in Mangalore city.

The arrested accused will be produced before the magistrate and will be requested for police custody for further detailed interrogation to go into the details of why the advocate was targeted and other details on the main gangster Koraga Vishwanath Shetty and his other gang members and targets.

With this arrest a major dent has been made in the underworld operations in Mangalore city by paralyzing the Koraga Vishwanath Shetty gang. Further efforts are on to trace the location of Koraga Vishwanath Shetty and nab him. This is the third major underworld team busted by DK District Police in the last three months including the arrest of Rashid Malabari of ‘D’ Company in the month of March and the arrest of the gang working for Underworld element Ravi Poojari involved in the Murder of Advocate Naushad Kashimji in the month of April. It may also be recalled that another gang working for Underworld gangster Bannanje Raja and Ravi Poojari was nabbed by the Bangalore City Police a few days back and DK District police are in the process of getting custody of that gang for further investigations into cases related to that gang in the city. These arrests should to a large extent bring a control on the extortion racket of underworld gangsters in Mangalore city. Further efforts continue to nab the main gang leaders who operate from across the borders. The DCIB team headed by PI DCIB Venkatesh Prasanna has been appreciated and has been given a reward of Rs 25.000/- for the effort.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Idol seized by DCIB

Idol Seized by DCIB

This post is in Kannada language. To view, you need to download kannada fonts from the link section.


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to download photo click here

Daily Crime Incidents for June 20, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 20/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil

Ordinary Theft: 01

  • A case under Attempt to commit theft has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. In between 0030 hrs and 0130 hrs of 19/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the Gokarnanatheshwara Temple at Kudroli Mangalore by breaking the door lock and attempted to committed theft.

Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 03

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 1700 hrs on NH-17 at Kottara Chowki Mangalore one Francis D’ Souza rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-2917 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a Hunasappa (26) R/o Ashokanagara Mangalore a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidri Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 1715 hrs at Paper Mill at Pranthya village Mangalore Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-20-L-8921 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-7517. As a result scooter rider Ramakrishna Gowda (41) R/o Ulivu Kutrapady village Mangalore Taluk and Geetha pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidri Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 1730 hrs at Kesarugadde Beluvai village Mangalore Taluk one Jayakara Chowta driver of Maruthi 800 car bearing Reg. No. KA-20-N-4027 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-S-410. As a result one Abdul Lathief rider of motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 2030 hrs accused Prakash Shetty, Suresha, Prashantha, Vasantha, Naveena, Santhosha and Shashidhara forming into unlawful assembly at Manjotty Nada village Belthangady Taluk and abused one Kushalappa in filthy language and assaulted him with sword. They also assaulted Chandrahasa Shetty (25) R/o Nada village Belthangady Taluk, Francis Pinto, Veerappa Mogera and Ashoka by hand who were came to help Kushalappa owing to trivial issue.

Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 03

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 19/06/2009 at 1100 hrs one unidentified male dead body aged about 40-45 yrs has been found in highly decomposed state in Nethravathi River at Dharmasthala village Belthangady Taluk. It seems to be a case of drowning.
  • A cse of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Moodabidri Police Station. On 19/06/2009 at 1400 hrs one Vikram (18) R/o Bandigowda Layout Mandya District committed suicide by hanging in his hostel at Moodabidre owing to personal problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Subramanya Police Station. On 19/06/2009 at 0915 hrs one unidentified female dead body aged about 45 yrs has been found in Kumaradhara River at Subramanya village Sullia Taluk. It seems to be a case of drowning.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 233
Fine amounts collected: 23,900/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Gambling Raid at Ullal: Eight Arrested, Rs 14,400/ seized

On 18/06/2009 at 2030 hrs on specific information PSI (L&O) Ullal PS along with staff conducted raid at Kutthar Kodi Munoor village Mangalore Taluk. At the time of raid Police found 08 persons playing “Ander - Bahar” with cards. Police seized cash Rs. 14,400/ and playing cards from the spot by arresting Dharma (35), Prabhakara (34), Harish Poojary, Ganesh (27), Narayana Kottary (56), Rajesh K, Bhojaraj (35) and John D’ Souza who were indulging in gambling.

In this connection, a case has been registered against the arrested persons in Ullal PS U/s 87 of the Karnataka Police Act.

Gambling Raid at Bantwal: Six Arrested, Rs 18,230/ seized

On 18/06/2009 at 1800 hrs on specific information of Dr. Chandra Guptha IPS ASP, Puttur Sub Division along with staff conducted raid at Pandavara Kallu Badagakajekkar village Bantwal Taluk. At the time of raid Police found 06 persons playing “Ander - Bahar” with cards. Police seized cash Rs. 18,230/ and playing cards from the spot by arresting Ramanada Poojary, Seetharama Poojary, Shekara Poojary, Lancy D’ Souza, Adam and Lokanatha Poojary who were indulging in gambling.

In this connection, a case has been registered against the arrested persons in Belthangady PS U/s 87 of the Karnataka Police Act.

Daily Crime Incidents for June 19, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 19/06/2009.

Murder: 02
  • A case under House trespass along with Murder has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 15/06/2009 at 1600 hrs accused one Sundara criminally trespassed into the house belonging to one Chowka (47) R/o Idabettu Kariya village Puttur Taluk and assaulted him by hand. Further Chowka admitted to Wenlock hospital at Mangalore where he succumbed to his injuries while under treatment on 18/06/2009 at 2115 hrs.
  • A case under Murder has been registered in Vittal Police Station. In between 16/06/2009 and 1830 hrs of 18/06/2009 near riverside at Kadumatta Kolnadu village Bantwal Taluk some unknown culprits murdered one unknown person by assaulting him with deadly weapon.

Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 02
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On the night of 17/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the Halekote Sri Mariyamma Mahishamardhini Temple at Bolara Mangalore by breaking the backdoor and committed theft of cash Rs.40, 000/ by breaking the two 'Kanike Hundis'.
  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. In between 17/06/2009 and 0500 hrs of 18/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Narayana Poojary M R/o Guruvayanakere Kuvettu village Belthangady Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed theft of cash Rs. 2,000 and gold ornaments all in worth Rs.24, 000/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 07

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 07

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic West Police Station. On 17/06/2009 at 1600 hrs near Urwastore at Mangalore one driver of Maruti Omni car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Z-4503 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Y-5447. As a result one Mohammed Ameena (57) R/o Kudroli Mangalore rider of scooter sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 17/06/2009 at 2000 hrs near Vikram Travels office at Karangalapady Mangalore one V.G. Bhat driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-39-M-8000 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-U-3056. As a result one Purushothama Prabhu R/o Bolara Mangalore rider of scooter sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Traffic East Police Station. On 17/06/2009 at 2230 hrs near Lowence Way Hotel at Mangalore one Shoyeeb rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KL-13-S-6512 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-R-7965. As a result riders of both motorcycles sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 16/06/2009 at 1330 hrs in front of Co Operative Society at Thenkayedapadavu village Mangalore Taluk one Jayaraj driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-C-587 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Y-7663. As a result motorcycle rider Mohan Gowda (32) R/o Thodaru village Mangalore Taluk and Kumara pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 0800 hrs at Eshwarakatte Moodu Perara village Mangalore Taluk one Ramesha driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-20-A-6763 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which auto rickshaw capsized. As a result Lolakshi S. Shetty (39) R/o Mooduperara village Mangalore Taluk and Prasad who were traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Puttur Town Police Station. On 17/06/2009 at 0730 hrs at Kallare Kasaba Puttur Town one driver of Tata Indica car bearing Reg. No. KA-03-C-5704 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. CRX-3819. As a result one Sachin Y rider of motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Sullia Police Station. On 17/06/2009 at 1145 hrs at Pajapalla Mupperya village Sullia Taluk one Deranna Gowda passenger of the bus bearing Reg. No. KA-19-F-2201 while getting down from the bus, the Krishna Shetty driver of bus moved the bus in a negligent manner due which he fell down from the bus and sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 16/06/2009 at 2100 hrs accused Gafoor, Khadar, Ismail, Siddiq, Davood, Majeed, Haries, Majeed and Sulaiman forming into unlawful assembly at Kaverl Beliyoor village Bantwal Taluk and abused one Shabeer (47) R/o Shanthi Colony Beliyoor village Bantwal Taluk in filthy language and assaulted him with soda bottle owing to trivial issue.

Hurts: 02

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 2000 hrs accused Ismail, Haidar, Sharief and Mohideen abused one Ismail (37) R/o Gatta Kedambady village Puttur Taluk in filthy language at Kumbra Olamogaru village Puttur Taluk and assaulted him by hand and with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.
  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Puttur Rural Police Station. On 18/06/2009 accused Ismail, Siddiq and other two unknown persons abused one Ismail (52) R/o Gatta Kedambady village Puttur Taluk in filthy language near auto rickshaw park at Kumbra Olamogaru village Puttur Taluk and assaulted him by hand and with iron rod owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 317
Fine amounts collected: 35,000/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Daily Crime Incidents for June 20, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 20/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil

Ordinary Theft: 01

  • A case under Attempt to commit theft has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. In between 0030 hrs and 0130 hrs of 19/06/2009 some unknown culprits gained entry into the Gokarnanatheshwara Temple at Kudroli Mangalore by breaking the door lock and attempted to committed theft.

Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 03

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 03

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 1700 hrs on NH-17 at Kottara Chowki Mangalore one Francis D’ Souza rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-2917 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a Hunasappa (26) R/o Ashokanagara Mangalore a pedestrian and caused him grievous injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidri Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 1715 hrs at Paper Mill at Pranthya village Mangalore Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-20-L-8921 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a scooter bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-7517. As a result scooter rider Ramakrishna Gowda (41) R/o Ulivu Kutrapady village Mangalore Taluk and Geetha pillion rider of said motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidri Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 1730 hrs at Kesarugadde Beluvai village Mangalore Taluk one Jayakara Chowta driver of Maruthi 800 car bearing Reg. No. KA-20-N-4027 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-S-410. As a result one Abdul Lathief rider of motorcycle sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 18/06/2009 at 2030 hrs accused Prakash Shetty, Suresha, Prashantha, Vasantha, Naveena, Santhosha and Shashidhara forming into unlawful assembly at Manjotty Nada village Belthangady Taluk and abused one Kushalappa in filthy language and assaulted him with sword. They also assaulted Chandrahasa Shetty (25) R/o Nada village Belthangady Taluk, Francis Pinto, Veerappa Mogera and Ashoka by hand who were came to help Kushalappa owing to trivial issue.

Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 03

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Belthangady Police Station. On 19/06/2009 at 1100 hrs one unidentified male dead body aged about 40-45 yrs has been found in highly decomposed state in Nethravathi River at Dharmasthala village Belthangady Taluk. It seems to be a case of drowning.
  • A cse of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Moodabidri Police Station. On 19/06/2009 at 1400 hrs one Vikram (18) R/o Bandigowda Layout Mandya District committed suicide by hanging in his hostel at Moodabidre owing to personal problem.
  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Subramanya Police Station. On 19/06/2009 at 0915 hrs one unidentified female dead body aged about 45 yrs has been found in Kumaradhara River at Subramanya village Sullia Taluk. It seems to be a case of drowning.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 233
Fine amounts collected: 23,900/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Daily Crime Incidents for June 18, 2009

The following are the crimes reported in D. K. District during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 18/06/2009.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil

Robbery: 01
  • A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 18/06/2009 at 0510 hrs at Kotecha Appartments Strruck road Mangalore, one Agnes N Suvaris (81) R/o Kotecha Appartments Strruck road Mangalore was in her house at that time accused one unknown person entered her house and forcefully robbed her gold ornaments (35 grams) worth Rs. 40,000/. and runaway from the spot.

Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil

Crime against Women: 01

  • A case under Hurt has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 16/06/2009 at 0730 hrs accused Ajith Kumar and Premalatha assaulted Kamala (70) and Prema both residents of Yeravalu Belthangady Taluk with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 04

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 01/04/2009 at 1500 hrs near Land Links cross at Konchadi Derebail village Mangalore Taluk one driver of Tipper lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-8050 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-B-7949 driven by one Madhava (35) R/o Basavanagara Kunjathbail Mangalore. As a result pillion rider of said motorcycle Babyjaan and Raghvendra (06) sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Vittal Police Station. On 14/06/2009 at 1220 hrs at Neerkaje Kepu village Bantwal Taluk one Abdul Lathif rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-J-5151 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over the vehicle due which motorcycle capsized. As a result one Mahammad M (38) R/o Ishwaramangila Puttur Taluk pillion rider of the said motorcycle sustained simple injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 15/06/2009 at 1645 hrs on NH 48 at 34th Nekkiladi Puttur Taluk one Ashwath driver of auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-21-A-1256 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over the vehicle due which auto rickshaw capsized. As a result Siddique (14) R/o Bantwal Taluk, Afibha and Musthafa who were traveling in the said auto rickshaw sustained grievous injuries.
  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Uppinangady Police Station. On 15/06/2009 at 1600 hrs at Bedrodi Puttur Taluk one driver of lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-22-A-9061 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over the vehicle due which lorry capsized. As a result Ananda Siddappa Nesargi (20) R/o Ramadurga Belgaum District cleaner of the said lorry sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil

Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 28/05/2009 at 1000 hrs accused Hanumantha, Yallavva, Nagavva and Manjunatha abused one Manjula W/o Shivananda R/o Deppunigutthu Kunjathbail village Mangalore Taluk in filthy language in her house and assaulted her by hand owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 253
Fine amounts collected: 23,400/.

For details contact district Control Room on 0824/2220500.